
dì zū
  • land rent;ground rent
地租 [dì zū]
  • [ground rent] 佃户向土地出租者缴纳的税

地租[dì zū]
  1. c.实行森林地租制度,推进林业费改税;

    C. carrying out the forest land rent system and boosting the forestry tax reform ;

  2. b.实行森林地租制度,深化林业分类经营;

    B. carrying out the forest land rent system and deepening forestry classification management ;

  3. 地租以后可能会逐渐上涨。

    Ground rents are likely to escalate over time .

  4. 每年的地租是多少?

    How much is the annual ground rent ?

  5. 城市商业土地级差地租的GIS评价方法研究

    A method for evaluating commercial land differential rent in cities based on GIS

  6. d.实行森林地租制度,建立公益林生态效益补偿基金;

    D. carrying out the forest land rent system and establishing forest ecological benefit compensation fund ;

  7. 如今,你却可以在洛杉矶国际机场轻松地租到一辆2010年款普锐斯,就象租一辆雪佛兰(Chevy)美宜堡(Malibu)一样容易。

    Today , you can rent a2010 Prius at Los Angeles International Airport as easily as renting a Chevy Malibu .

  8. 城郊地租结构原理初步研究

    A preliminary study on structural principle of suburb and urban rent

  9. 许多小农将无法支付增长的地租。

    Many smallholders will be unable to afford the rent increases .

  10. 从辩证逻辑角度理解级差地租Ⅱ

    Understanding Differential Land Rent II from the Angle of Dialectical Logic

  11. 罗杰把这块地租给我们,每年200美元。

    Roger rents this land to us $ 200 a year .

  12. 社会主义社会绝对地租仍然存在。

    In socialist society , absolute land rent still exists .

  13. 地产,把地租用于国家支出。

    To leave property , but not freehold land , to someone .

  14. 希尔先生把这块地租给我们,租金每年500英镑。

    Mr Hill rents this land to us at 500 a year .

  15. 应恢复马克思地租理论在价格构成中的地位

    Regaining the Status of Marxist Ground Rent Theory in the Price Constitution

  16. 收取地租是田产管理人的负责。

    Collecting rents is the responsibilities of the land agent .

  17. 地主就会收回租地或抬高地租。

    The landlord will evict him or raise his rent .

  18. 对农业经济中绝对地租范畴的理论思考

    The theoretical thinking about category of absolute land rent in agricultural economy

  19. 马克思地租理论及其应用&兼论小城镇建设用地存在的问题与对策

    A Study on Marx 's Theory of Land Rent and its Application

  20. 我国实行森林地租制度初探

    Discussion on Carrying out Forest Land Rent System in China

  21. 其实现形式为地租,地租资本化即为土地资源价格-生地价。

    Land rent capitalization is land resource cost-raw land cost .

  22. 从地租理论来看马克思的劳动价值论

    Viewing Marxist Labor Theory of Value in Theory of Ground Rent Perspective

  23. 第一节是马克思主义地租理论的分析。

    The first section is the Marxist theory of rent .

  24. 马克思的绝对地租理论与现实

    K.Marx ′ s Theory of Absolute Land Rent and Reality

  25. 因此,这种地租必须从他的资本中支付。

    This , therefore , must he paid out of his capital .

  26. 马克思的土地理论包括土地所有权理论和地租理论。

    Marx 's land theory consists of landowning theory and land tax theory .

  27. 马克思的商品资本流通与实现理论、地租理论是商业银行营销理论形成的重要理论依据。

    The Marxist theory of capital transfers and realize .

  28. 应用级差地租原理管好企业土地资产

    Managing Enterprise Land Assets with Differential Land Rent Principle

  29. 缴纳耕地的高昂的[低廉的]地租

    Pay a high / low rent for farming land

  30. 它是税,贷款利息,地租还是借款?

    Is it taxes , interest on loans , land leasing or borrowing ?