
  • 网络geographical factors;physiographic factor
  1. 基于Poisson对数线性模型的居民点与地理因子的相关性研究

    Study on Correlation between Residential Points and Geographical Factors based on Poisson Logarithm Linearity Model

  2. 国际贸易中的地理因子研究及其启示

    A Study of Geographical Factors in International Trade

  3. 通过ARCGIS软件中SpatialStatistics工具从DEM中提取出4个地理因子:高程、坡度、坡向、河流。

    With spatial statistics tool in Arc GIS , we can extract four geographic factors from DEM : that is elevation , slope , aspect , river .

  4. 用地理因子模拟福建省3~6月降雨量模式的探讨

    Using geographic factor to simulate precipitation model from March to June

  5. 地理因子对乌鲁木齐地区降水特征的影响分析

    Characteristics of Precipitation Influenced by Geographic Factors in Urumchi

  6. 用地理因子模拟年度极端最低气温模式的探讨

    Using Geographic Elements Simulating Annual Minimum Temperature

  7. 地理因子对天水市不同地点气温的影响及其估算模式的研究

    A study on Estimating Temperature Model and Influence of Geographical Factors on Temperature in Tianshui

  8. 对获得的地理因子数据采用重分类的方法对各个图层集进行归一化处理。

    Reclassify the obtained geographic factors data to make each layer set normalized . 3 .

  9. 中国种子植物物种丰富度的大尺度分布格局及其与地理因子的关系

    Distribution patterns of species richness of seed plants in china and its relationship with geographical factors

  10. 作为物理系统的气候有它自己的形成、运动和发展的客观规律,它是一个自然地理因子,与其他自然地理因子互相制约、互相作用着,并和其他自然地理因子一样具有相对的稳定性。

    As a physical system , it has objective rules about its formation , movement and development .

  11. 在经度梯度上,从东到西,物种丰富度呈递增趋势,这可能与其它地理因子的影响有关;

    Species richness increased against the longitudinal gradients , which maybe resulted from effects of other geographical factors .

  12. 白皮松种子休眠特性在种源间的差异是气候及地理因子共同作用的结果。

    The difference of dormancy characteristics of different P.bungeana seed sources was the result of interaction between climatic and geographical factors .

  13. 地理因子对物种多样性空间分布格局的影响具有重要意义。

    The effects of geographical factors on spatial patterns of species richness were one of key topics in the field of biodiversity science .

  14. 本文采用样方调查的方法,对芦芽山旅游影响因子及其系数与地理因子进行了相关分析。

    The relationship between tourist influencing factors and their index and geographical factors was analyzed by methods of sampling and investigation in this paper .

  15. 旅游影响因子及其系数与人文地理因子间的高相关性,完全可以说明,它们能够正确地反映旅游活动对植被环境的作用。

    The correlation between tourist influencing factors and human geographical factors showed that they could reflect the impact of tourist activities on vegetation environment .

  16. 土壤、气候和地理因子等环境因子对丛枝菌根(AM)真菌多样性有重要影响。

    The diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal ( AM ) fungi is influenced by many environmental factors , such as soil type , climate , and geographical factors .

  17. 分析表明,华南西部地理因子(地形、粗糙度、海陆分布等)对热带气旋强度变化具有重要影响。

    Analyses show that terrain factors ( terrain height , roughness length , sea-land distribution ) in the western part of South China have important impacts on TC intensity change at landfall .

  18. 以黄土高原地区227个县的资料为基础,研究了沙尘暴的发生频率与自然地理因子之间的关系。

    Based on the data from 227 counties in the Loess Plateau region of China and using regression method , we studied the relation between the frequency of sand-dust storms and physico-geographical factors .

  19. 为了确定分布式流域水文模型的参数,对现有几种建立产汇流参数与自然地理因子之间的理论关系的途径进行了初步分析。

    Besides , an analysis is performed of approaches to the derivation of the theoretical relationship between parameters of runoff and natural geographic factors for determination of parameters of the distributed hydrological model .

  20. 根据载荷系数绝对值大小将原麝夏季生境选择影响因子分别命名为食物因子、植被因子、干扰因子、隐蔽度因子、地理因子和倒木因子。

    According to absolute value of coefficient , the 6 components were classified separately as food factor , vegetation factor , disturbance factor , sheltering class factor , geography factor and fallen logs factor .

  21. 在系统分析黑龙江垦区气象、地理因子,森林资源状况的基础上,进行科学区划,并提出各区域发展生态经济型林业的目标和重点。

    Division was made scientifically and rationally on the basis of system analysis of meteorological factors , geographic elements and status of forest resources , and provided the objective and emphasis to development eco-economic forestry in different regions .

  22. 冬季青藏高原地面辐射平衡场是一个由地理因子(地理纬度和自然地理带)作用下形成的基本场叠加上一个地面积雪区形成的扰动场。

    Therefore the spatial distribution pattern of surface radiation balance over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in winter consists of a basic pattern caused by the geographic conditions including latitude and surface natural properties and a adding disturbing pattern caused by snow cover .

  23. 利用福建省66个台站所处的纬度、海拔高度、离海距和观测站与周围的相对高度差等地理因子建立推算年度极端最低气温平均值的模式。

    Based on the geographic location data of 66 meteorological stations in Fujian Province , including latitude (Φ), elevation ( H ), distances ( S ) from seaside to station , and relative altitude (Δ h ), an estimation model of annual minimum temperature is developed .

  24. 以DEM数据为基础进行地理信息因子的提取。

    Make DEM data as basic data to extract geographic information factors .

  25. 柠条锦鸡儿表型性状与地理生态因子的偏相关分析表明,其表型性状与地理生态因子的相关性不高。

    The correlations between the phenotypic traits and ecological and geographic factors are not significant .

  26. 我们利用十余个地理环境因子,通过分类合并与东北虎出现点数据进行模型分析。

    We use more than ten geography environmental data and the tiger appear dates to the model .

  27. 毛白杨优良无性系的选择模式及生长与地理气候因子关联分析

    Quantitative Selection of Advanced Clones and Related Analysis between the Provenance Growth and Geographical and Climatic Factors of White Poplar

  28. 蜡梅表型性状与地理生态因子的相关分析表明:除纬度、年降雨量和部分性状有相关性外,其它性状和地理生态因子的相关性均不显著。

    The correlations between the phenotypic traits of wintersweet and geographical and ecological factors are not significant except for latitude and annual rainfall .

  29. 回归分析和相关分析的结果表明了地理生态因子对这3种植物的表型性状变异有较强的影响。

    Results from the regression analysis and correlation analysis showed geographical and ecological factors to have a remarkable influence on the species phenotypic traits .

  30. 2000年以来影响中国城市经济增长的因子强度依次为:地理位置因子、产业结构与市场化水平因子和要素投入因子。

    In sequence , the geographical factor , industrial structure accompanied with market factor and input factor exert different significant impacts on the urban economic growth .