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  1. 这块地正由一家法国公司开发利用。

    The site is being developed by a French company .

  2. 殖民地正要求获得更大程度上的自治。

    The colonies were claiming a larger measure of self-government .

  3. 另外宝马旗下豪车品牌劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)的主要组装地正是在英国的古德伍德工厂,劳斯莱斯的大多数机械部件都是从欧洲大陆运到那里进行组装的。

    The German automaker also owns Rolls-Royce and assembles the luxury automobile in a plant located in Goodwood , England , most of the heavy and mechanical parts shipped there from the continent .

  4. 以利沙又来到吉甲,那地正有饥荒。

    Elisha returned to Gilgal and there was a famine in that region .

  5. 不停地正用力咬着我们暂时栖身的生活之树。

    Biting endlessly the life tree , which is for our temporary inhabit .

  6. 地质学家发现那块地正处在沼气上面。

    Geologists discovered that the land was on methane .

  7. 边缘旅游地正逐渐成为旅游开发研究的热点之一。

    The peripheral tourism area has been a focus of the research on tourism development .

  8. 如今,这个联邦立法机关所在地正受到一个特殊领域的关注。

    Now the home of the federal legislature is attracting attention from a different quarter .

  9. 你还幸运地正当年轻力壮.而你用你的幸运做了些什么,嗯?

    And you are still blessed with youth . And what have you done with these blessings , huh ?

  10. 就在那时我才弄清楚,这一片长满荨麻的荒凉之地正是乡村的教堂墓地;

    At such a time I found out for certain , that this bleak place overgrown with nettles was the churchyard ;

  11. 你数周一直成天成夜完成一个项目;而现在在办公地正散步着好评。

    You 've been working day and night for weeks on a project that 's now getting good buzz at your office .

  12. 而其他并购方式下的目标公司在并购公告宣布的前几日,投资者有显著地正的累积异常收益率。

    And to the target under other M & A type , the investors has a significant posit CAR before the announcement .

  13. 通过实证研究我们发现,贵州省的财政收入与经济发展有着密切地正相关关系。

    The evidences obtained in our research shows that there is strongly positive correlation between the economy and fiscal revenue in GuiZhou Province .

  14. 结果表明,转鼓半径对轮胎接地正应力、切应力及接地面积等都有显著影响。

    The results show that the drum radius has significant effect on the positive and tangetal stresses and area of the tire touching ground .

  15. 结果表明,关联贷款比例与不良贷款率显著地正相关,与净资产收益率显著地负相关。

    The results showed that the proportion of loans associated with the non-performing loan ratio was significantly correlated with return on equity significantly negative .

  16. 在实证分析的研究成果中发现,高管晋升激励对R&D投资有显著地正相关。

    Found in the empirical analysis of research results , the executive promotion incentives on R & D investments have a significant positive correlation .

  17. 在马达可诗剧的末了,亚当绝望地正准备跳崖自尽,却惊鸿一瞥地见到救赎。

    At the end of Madach 's poem , Adam is about to throw himself off a cliff in despair , when he glimpses redemption .

  18. 本文建立的我国上市公司信用评级体系的评估结果与新华远东评级体系相应的评估结果呈显著地正相关关系;

    Credit rating system gives Chinese listed companies ' credit rating results and the results are positive correlated with the corresponding rating results from Xinhua Finance ;

  19. 在放牧和增雨条件下,中小型土壤动物密度与植被地下生物量都具有显著地正相关关系。

    Under Grazing and precipitation enhancement conditions , there was a significant positive correlation between the density of meso-microfauna arthropod soil animal and vegetation underground biomass . 5 .

  20. 用不着来这里感谢我。但是,你必须明白…当我发现他很奇怪地正盯着我时,我停止了说话。

    It wasn 't necessary to come here to thank me.But you must understand that .... I stopped speaking as I noticed how strangely he was staring at me .

  21. 然后采用实证研究的方法,证明了商誉与会计盈余显著地正相关,说明商誉能够显著地改善企业的盈利能力;同时与股票价格也显著地正相关,表明商誉具有较强的价值相关性。

    Then use the method of empirical study , showed goodwill and accounting earnings significantly positive correlation , illustrated point that the goodwill can significantly improve the profitability of enterprises .

  22. 小麦籽粒和秸杆中的氮浓度与施氮量呈明显地正相关,间作小麦籽粒和秸杆中的氮浓度较单作有明显地增加,施氮肥促进小麦对氮的吸收;

    Both the application of N and the intercropping could enhance the N concentration in grain and straw of wheat , the amount of N uptake by wheat was also increased by N fertilizer .

  23. 古村落作为一种历史文化蕴含丰富的特殊旅游地正日益受到关注,古村落旅游也成为旅游的热点;

    As a kind of special tourism resources containing abundant historic and cultural values , ancient village is getting more and more attention , accordingly , ancient village tourism is increasingly becoming the travelers ' favorite and the focus of tourism research .

  24. 黄土高原西峰黄土/古土壤剖面过去130kyr正构烷烃组分的平均氢同位素组成变化为-140‰~-190‰。金川泥炭地正烷烃和姥鲛烷分布特征与环境演变关系研究

    The δ D values of the n-alkanes from Xifeng loess profile spanning the last 130 kyr show large variations for the past 130 kyr , ranging from-140 ‰ to-190 ‰ . The Study on Relationship between the Distribution of N-alkanes , Pristane and Environment Change in JinChuan Peatland

  25. 在金融全球化浪潮中,中国商业银行倍受关注地随着正逐步建立和发展市场经济的中国一道进入了WTO的大家族,从而真正参与到了全球金融一体化运作之中。

    Since China enters into WTO , the commercial banks are paid close attention to access WTO in order to participate in the global financial integrative operation .

  26. 基于预条件LANCZOS算法快速实现三维地电场正演计算

    Fast Implementation of Forward Modeling of 3-D Geoelectric Field with Precondition Lanczos Method

  27. 基于MATLAB软件平台,编制了考虑衰减的探地雷达正演模拟程序,利用该程序对多个典型地电模型进行了模拟计算,得到了正演模拟剖面图与波场快照。

    A GPR forward simulation program considered attenuation is prepared based on MATLAB software platform . By using this program a number of typical geoelectric model was simulated and forward simulation profile and snapshot of wave field were obtained .

  28. 我们是Humphrey一家的爸爸exactly:恰好地,正是地royalty:皇族、贵族uptown:上城,曼哈顿区的上城不是什么东区的贵族你觉得无所谓吗?

    Jenny : we 're Humphreys , dad . Not exactly royalty uptown . - Rufus : Are you okay with that ? -

  29. 极喜欢你是说你并不喜欢那位老相识Vanessa?exactly:恰好地,正是我就是这个意思。

    Serena : You 're saying you 're not into old friend Vanessa ? - Dan : That is exactly what I 'm saying . -

  30. 利用Monte-Carlo方法对套管强度进行了模拟,可以看出套管的抗挤强度、抗内压强度和抗拉强度均能够较好地服从正态分布,并得到其分布曲线。

    Through the imitation result of casing strength completed with Monte-Carlo method , we can know the collapsing strength , internal pressure strength and tensile strength of casing all present normal distribution , and obtain relevant distribution curve .