
  • 网络Crustal dynamics;CDP
  1. 川滇块体东缘地壳动力学问题的讨论

    Crustal Dynamics discussion about the east part of Sichuan Yunnan block

  2. 中国现代海平面变化及其地壳动力学含义

    Variations of modern sea level off China coast and implications of crust dynamics

  3. 美国地壳动力学研究计划的进展

    The Crustal Dynamics Project in USA

  4. 准噶尔盆地地壳动力学与油气储集层沉积相模型

    Crustal Dynamics and sedimentary facies models of the oil and gas reservoirs in the Junggar Basin

  5. 从大陆地壳动力学观点试论我国地震的成因和机制

    Discussion on driving forces and mechanisms of earthquakes in China from the viewpoint of earth 's crust dynamics

  6. 认为这种差异变化,除了气候等因素以外,主要取决于地壳动力学方面的因素。

    It is advanced that such variations are mainly caused by crust dynamic agents , apart from the climatic effects .

  7. 它证实地壳动力学的基本状态不是自组织临界状态而是自组织,因而地震是可能预报的;

    It has verified that the basic state of crustal dynamics is " self organization " rather than " self organization criticality ", therefore earthquakes are predictable ;

  8. 本文以地壳动力学观点对准噶尔盆地发生、发育序列进行了探讨。

    On the basis of the theory of the crustal dynamics , the authors in the present paper elucidate the formation and evolution of the Junggar Basin in Xinjiang .

  9. 实验的结果与野外实际情况相符,揭示了含锡黑云母花岗岩形成的机理,阐明了它的形成在中国南方地壳动力学上的意义。

    The results of experiments tally with the reality of the field geology . The authors have brought to light the mechanism of the formation of Sn-bearing granites , and expounded its significance in the crust dynamics of South China .

  10. 震前地壳的动力学过程与超熵变化

    Extra-entropy production change and dynamics process before earthquake

  11. 板内地壳形变系统动力学与地震预报

    System dynamics of intraplate crustal deformation and earthquake predication

  12. 地壳中流体动力学模型研究

    A study of fluid dynamics model in the curst

  13. 此定义包含了前陆盆地的分布位置和地壳性质、动力学机制与发育时限、平面展布、剖面结构以及相应的沉积建造等主要特征。

    This definition includes the main characteristics of distribution location , crustal feature , dynamic mechanism developing stage , planar distribution and profile structures along with corresponding sedimentary formation .

  14. 中地壳的地球化学动力学和矿石成因

    Geochemical Kinetics and Ore Genesis in Middle Crust

  15. 现代地壳运动和地球动力学研究

    Contemporary Crustal Movement and Geodynamics Research

  16. 俯冲再循环过程对地壳、幔的动力学和演化产生深刻影响。

    Subduction recycling process has a major effect on the dynamics and evolution of the crust and mantle .

  17. 鄂西三峡及邻区第四纪以来地壳运动特点及其动力学问题的探讨

    A discussion on crustal movement characteristic and its dynamics since Quaternary in Sanxia and the surrounding area , western Hubei

  18. 为地壳运动、地壳动力学和地震预报提供完整的原始数据,便于后期分析地壳形变状况,以及合理预测未来地壳形变的发展趋势。

    It provides a complete raw data for the crustal movement , crustal dynamics and earthquake prediction , which facilitate the analysis of crustal deformation and reasonable forecast of the future development trend of crustal deformation .

  19. 应用不可压缩非牛顿粘性流体的本构关系,对造山带同挤压期下地壳流变及其与上地壳构造伸展的动力学关系进行了二维有限元数值模拟。

    In attempt to reveal the dynamical relation between lower crust ductile flow and upper crust extension in collisional orogen , a numerical simulation is carried out using Finite Element Method ( FEM ), based on the stress strain constitution of incompressible Non Newtonian viscoelastic rheology .

  20. 下地壳流变与造山带同挤压期地壳伸展的动力学关系

    Lower-crust ductile flow and its dynamical relation with Syn-Collision crustal extension in orogenic belt

  21. 结果表明,由于山西高原重力荷载,太行山地壳厚度转变带将发生下地壳黏性流变,下地壳流变将导致盆地区中、下地壳动力学性质脱耦,形成中、下地壳间近水平剪切。

    Result indicates that under the gravitational loading of the Shanxi plateau , the crust beneath the Taihang Mountains CTZ is mechanically instable due to initiation of the lower-crust ductile flow .

  22. 介绍了地壳垂直运动的均衡理论,基于全球通量均衡基准,建立了任意坐标系下描述地壳垂直运动的动力学模型。

    The isostatic theory of crust vertical movement is introduced . On the basis of the flux isostatic datum , a dynamical model , by which the crust vertical movement can be described is established .