
  • 网络underground powerhouse excavation
  1. 岩壁梁是地下厂房开挖中的重点和难点。

    Ledge beam is important and difficult in underground powerhouse excavation .

  2. 大型地下厂房开挖施工中的关键技术问题研究

    The Key Technologies in the Excavation Construction of Huge Underground Powerhouse

  3. 三板溪水电站地下厂房开挖爆破震动控制

    Blasting Shaking Control of San Banxi Underground Chamber Excavation

  4. 周宁水电站地下厂房开挖爆破地震波衰减规律的研究

    Study on redundant regulation of underground digging blasting vibration of Zhouning Hydropower Station

  5. 龙滩水电站地下厂房开挖爆破震动衰减规律研究

    Research on the blasting vibration velocity attenuation law in the excavation of Longtan underground powerhouse

  6. 采用有限元法对地下厂房开挖时围岩的变形和应力情况进行了分析。

    The finite element method is used to analyse the deformation and stress of surrounding rock .

  7. 地下厂房开挖过程中围岩状态的可视化仿真研究

    Study on visual simulation of the state of surrounding rock in the excavation of underground powerhouse

  8. 在地下厂房开挖支护过程中,爆破震动控制直接影响到高边墙的稳定及岩锚梁结构安全。

    The control of blasting vibration in the excavation of underground powerhouse is the key factor influencing the construction safety of underground powerhouse .

  9. 监测结果显示,爆破质点振动速度控制在设计允许范围内,在整个地下厂房开挖过程中和开挖后围岩的位移值控制在允许范围内。

    The monitoring results showed that the particle vibrating velocity is controlled in the design allowance and the displacement value of whole underground powerhouse in and after the excavation is controlled in the allowance .

  10. 广州抽水蓄能电站二期地下厂房开挖爆破施工对一期厂房已运行机组震动影响的实测与安全控制研究

    The Study on the Critical Safety of Operating Generators in Established Underground Power Station Which Are Affected by Vibration Resulting from the Explosion of Succeeding Openings by Site Measurement of a Pumping Hydropower Station in Guangzhou

  11. 再次,研究了水电站地下厂房开挖程序和开挖方法,从厂房分层开挖考虑的因素出发,分析了地下厂房的典型分层方案;

    Thirdly , the construction procedure and excavation method of the large underground powerhouse are studied . And the typical multi-layered scheme is analyzed considering of the factors that influence the multi-layered excavation of the underground powerhouse .

  12. 地下厂房爆破开挖对混凝土吊车梁的影响研究

    Effect of Blasting on Concrete Girder in Underground Workshop

  13. 白莲河蓄能电站地下厂房爆破开挖影响监测

    Monitoring the Influence of Blasting Excavation on Underground Factory Building of Storage Power Station at Bailian River

  14. 三峡地下厂房爆破开挖振动衰减规律研究

    Study on the law of blasting vibration attenuation regarding the excavation of Three Gorges underground power plant

  15. 然后取较小计算范围进行二次细分网格,以便较准确地模拟地下厂房分步开挖的动态过程。

    A small model , in which the mesh was refined , was used to precisely simulate excavation of the underground powerhouse .

  16. 首先,结合国内若干地下厂房的开挖实例,分析了大型地下洞室的施工特点及可能存在的问题。

    Firstly , according to several excavation examples of the domestic underground powerhouses , the construction characteristic and possible problems are analyzed .

  17. 引水隧洞和地下厂房的开挖,对进水口边坡的位移和应力分布都有一定的影响,但是从计算所得的影响范围和量值看,其影响有限,不会破坏进水口边坡的整体稳定性。

    Excavation for seepage tunnel and underground power plant take some harmful effect to the slope , but it will not damage the slope 's integral stability .

  18. 为了优化爆破参数和支护措施,对湖北白莲河蓄能电站地下厂房爆破开挖引起的爆破振动和围岩变形进行了实地监测。

    In order to optimize blasting parameters and timbering measures , blasting vibration and wall rock distortion of underground factory building evoked by blasting excavation are monitored in the Storage Power Station of Bailian River .

  19. 百色地下厂房洞室施工开挖数值分析

    Numerical analysis of seepage and excavation for Bai-se underground house construction

  20. 三峡地下电站主厂房开挖变形特性分析百色水利枢纽地下厂房工程主变洞的开挖方法

    A Deforming Characteristic Evaluation of Excavating Underground Hydropower Station on the Right Bank of the Three Gorges Project ; The Excavation Methods of Main-transformed Cavern of Underground Powerhouse of Baise Water Conservation Junction

  21. 以现场与室内岩石蠕变试验成果为基础,采用广义开尔文模型作为三峡花岗岩的粘弹性模型,对三峡工程地下厂房的施工开挖进行了粘弹性数值模拟。

    Based on creep test results in situ and in laboratory on granite of Three Gorges Project ( TGP ), the viscoelastic numerical simulation on excavation process of the underground hydropower plants was performed by using the generalized Kelvin model as viscoelastic model of granite .

  22. 地下厂房岩壁梁岩台开挖

    Excavation of rock bench for rock face beam of underground powerhouse

  23. 复杂条件下的地下厂房岩壁梁岩台开挖爆破实践

    Engineering Practice in Blasting Excavation of Underground Workshop ′ s Rock Anchor Beam in Complex Conditions

  24. 三峡电源电站地下厂房岩锚梁开挖施工技术

    Excavation construction technology of anchored rock beam for the underground powerhouse of Three Gorges Power Supply Plant

  25. 分析了某抽水蓄能电站地下厂房硐室群开挖引起环境水水质异常的成因。

    The causes of abnormal quality of environmental water due to excavation of the underground powerhouse group of a pumped storage power station were analyzed in this study .

  26. 以地下厂房为例,实现随开挖过程厂房围岩位移、应力、屈服范围、锚杆应力等状态的动态可视化仿真,这对保证地下厂房开挖的稳定起到了重要的作用。

    As an example , this paper demonstrates dynamical visual simulation of some state changing , such as displacement , stresses , yield range , anchor stresses of the surrounding rock .

  27. 结合某水电站地下洞室工程中地下厂房的开挖,建立了模拟动态施工的有限元模型,对洞室附近的围岩弹性模量进行了反演计算。

    So a dynamic multi-step finite element model is established to simulate excavation process of caverns in a hydropower station ; and a calculation to get the elastic moduls of surrounding rock has been done .