
  • 网络online activity
  1. 从以砖瓦型基础结构运行的商业活动转为运行在不同系统和位置的全天候商业在线活动,在Internet时代,基于Web的应用程序起到了不可估量的作用。

    At the age of Internet , Transferring From the bussiness activity based on structure of the brick and tile operating to all-day commercial online activity in the position with different system and place , the application program based on Web plays an inestimable role .

  2. 经历去年灾难性的IPO之后,这家社交媒体网站终于恢复稳定,并在最近发布了最新产品“社交图表搜索(GraphSearch)”。这项功能允许用于搜索好友的在线活动。

    The social media has managed to stabilize after a disastrous IPO last year and recently unveiled its latest product , the " Graph Search " feature that will allow users to search for results in their friends ' online activity .

  3. 随着它越来越受到孩子和家长的欢迎,这个网站现在举办了许多丰富多彩的在线活动。

    As it gets more and more popular among children and parents , the website now holds many colorful online activities .

  4. 它提供了业界领先的保护您的PC和所有您的在线活动,同时使用大大减少系统资源,因此它不会放慢你。

    It delivers industry-leading protection for your PC and all your online activities while using significantly fewer system resources , so it won 't slow you down .

  5. 回到‘社会化网络像是空气’,就不会奇怪Charlene提出,对于大多数在线活动,社交环境将很重要。

    Going back to'social networks being like air ' , not surprisingly Charlene projects that social context will be important for most online activities .

  6. Hackbright和DevBootcamp的毕业生约有90%在三个月内都收到了工作邀请,目前都在Facebook和在线活动策划平台Eventbrite等公司担任工程师。

    Almost 90 % of hackbright and dev bootcamp graduates receive offers within three months and now work as engineers at companies like Facebook and eventbrite .

  7. 计算机技术和网络通信技术不断发展,即时通信(InstantMessaging)已经成为网络在线活动的重要业务,也成为互联网应用中一个热点。

    With the continual development of the computer technology and the network communication technology , instant messaging ( InstantMessaging ) has become an important network online activity and has also become a hot topic in Internet applications .

  8. 我国网民在线活动的特点与趋势

    Characteristice and Trend of Online Activities of Chinese Netusers

  9. 詹姆斯福勒说:不是所有的在线活动都和上述事件有联系。

    JAMES FOWLER : It wasnt all of these online connections that matter .

  10. 论在线活动与生活方式的互动

    Interaction Between The Online Activites And Life Styles

  11. 随着交易和其他在线活动转向智能手机,阿里巴巴已经采取了一些措施适应这种变化。

    As transactions and other online activities move to smartphones , Alibaba has already taken steps to adapt .

  12. 客户线下活动和在线活动的管理已经成为市场营销人员和客户活动提倡者的关注点。

    Managing the customer experience offline and online is already a key concern for marketers and customer-experience advocates .

  13. 理解用户在线活动的目标和意向可为用户提供个性化服务,提高用户满意度。

    Understanding goals and intention can greatly help information providers to personalize contents and thus improve user satisfaction .

  14. 随着网络通信技术和计算机技术的进一步发展,即时通信正在成为网络在线活动中不可缺少的业务。

    With the further development of network communication technology and computer technology , Instant Messaging has been a requirement of on-line activities .

  15. 而且中国人(上网)不再主要是玩游戏,而是冲进了其他的各种在线活动上&最为瞩目的就是(网上)购物。

    And the Chinese are no longer mostly playing games , but are diving into lots of other online activities , notably shopping .

  16. 最近,雀巢公司联合优酷网和开心网(一个社交网站),发起了一次宣传雀巢咖啡的在线活动。

    Recently , Nestl é launched an online campaign for Nescaf é coffee in association with Youku and Kaixin , a social-networking site .

  17. 这种电子商务新种类“社交购物”旨在将两种受人喜爱的在线活动,即购物和交际结合在一起。

    This new category of e-commerce , " social shopping " , aims to combine two favourite online activities : shopping and social networking .

  18. 几乎没有什么在线活动比输入数据计算大学学费更重大的了,当网页上出现六位数的计算记过时,您可能会惊讶得屏住呼吸。

    There are few more sobering online activities than entering data into college-tuition calculators and gasping as the Web spits back a six-figure sum .

  19. 他说,应将网络安全视作一项持续的活动,为支持所有其他的在线活动建立基础。

    Rather , he said , cybersecurity should be viewed as an ongoing activity that creates the foundation to support all other online activities .

  20. 消费者团体却没有这么沉默,他们说交易可能会造成消费者选择减少,对其在线活动的跟踪增多。

    Consumer groups weren 't as reticent , saying the deal could lead to less choice for consumers and more tracking of their online activities . '

  21. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,今年三月,英国慈善组织&癌症研究协会发起了一项号召女性上传素颜自拍照的在线活动。

    The online campaign was launched in March by charity organization Cancer Research UK , reported The Telegraph . It asked women to post selfies without wearing makeup .

  22. 以此为例,对一般的观察者来说,考虑到孩子们在网络漫游或者与朋友聊天等在线活动上花了多少时间,这一点似乎是不言而喻的。

    To a casual observer , this might seem self-evident , given how much time children tend to spend online , roaming cyber space or chatting with friends .

  23. 网民对电子邮件最为偏爱,对各类信息的需求呈现出多样性的特点,这也从一个侧面反映出其在线活动的个性趋势日益加强。

    The netusers have shown the most preference for the electronic mail , and their demands for information are diversified , reflecting an increasing trend toward individualization of online activities .

  24. 这个为期五天的在线活动为员工提供了一个平台,用于分享观点,解决问题和寻求合作,以缩小文化差异,实现卓越成果。

    The five-day online event provided a space for employees to share ideas , problem-solve and collaborate on things they could do to close any gaps and deliver outstanding results .

  25. 以一起给水泵汽轮机速关阀在线活动试验时发生的事故为分析对象,详细介绍了事故的现象、发生过程、事故分析和防范措施。

    The accident phenomenon and its course , analysis and prevention measures are expounded on the quick closing valve of the feed pump turbine which causes the failure in online test .

  26. 其中,在线活动对网民生活方式的作用过程既包括其网络生活方式的形成过程,也包括其日常生活方式的转型过程。

    The process by which online activities impact on the life - styles of netusers includes both the formation of their net life - styles and the transformation of their everyday life - styles .

  27. 搜索营销的复杂程度一直在提高,同时入门的成本也在升高不仅是因为更高的技术成本,以及管理在线活动所需的外界专业协助。

    While the level of sophistication in search marketing has been going up , the cost of entry has also been rising and not just because of the higher costs for the technology and outside professional help needed to manage online campaigns .

  28. 部分原因是,谷歌尚未在它的核心搜索业务之外产生巨大影响力,尽管它雄心勃勃地投入大量资金,试图重塑在线活动的重要领域,从支付(通过谷歌结账服务)到通讯领域都包括在内。

    That is partly because Google has yet to make a big impact beyond its core search business , in spite of sinking large amounts of money in ambitious attempts to reinvent big areas of online activity , from payments ( through the Google checkout service ) to communications .

  29. 它们提供文件共享和其他在线协作活动,以及安全的服务,因为数据从一个或多个源移动到Internet上的一个或多个目标。

    They provide file sharing and other online collaboration activities with secured services as the data is moved from one or more sources to one or more destinations on the Internet .

  30. ,并决定今天就开始用Twitter通过一个积极主动的在线营销活动获得财政上的独立性。

    And you decide that today you will begin to achieve financial independence with an aggressive online marketing program using Twitter .