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  • 网络soil erosion
  1. 水土流失(土蚀)是自然水污染的一个例子,如果土壤阻塞水流会造成难题,导致洪水泛滥。

    Soil erosion is one example of natural water pollution and can cause problems if the soil blocks the flow of water and leads to flooding .

  2. 不同植物类型下紫色土抗蚀性研究

    Studies on Anti & Erodibility of Purple Soil under Different Vegetations

  3. 采用最大30分钟雨强大于25~30mm/hr降雨的侵蚀产沙资料,计算的土壤可蚀性值比较稳定且接近这土类可蚀性的多年平均值。

    But the field runoff plot data of which the maximum 30-minute rainfall intensity is larger than 25-30mm / hr are used to calculate the soil erodibility , the values appear relatively stable and approaches to annually average erodibility value .

  4. 紫色土团聚体抗蚀特征研究

    Study on Characteristics of Purple Soils Aggregates Erosion-resistant

  5. V-1型土酸酸化缓蚀剂的研制

    Development of V-1 type corrosion inhibitor for acidizing by mud acid

  6. 高性能复配型土酸酸化缓蚀剂V-1

    High performance mud acid corrosion inhibitor v 1

  7. 遗址土体的表面差异风蚀现象,会加速遗址土体的破坏。土遗址的防风蚀保护是文物保护工作中的一个的重要研究课题。

    The different wind erosions of earthen sites surface will accelerate the destruction of site soil , anti weathering protection about earthen site is an important aspect of cultural relics preservation .

  8. 本文论述了紫色土的侵蚀和泥沙形成流失的特点。并分析了紫色土的侵蚀、紫色丘陵区小流域的泥沙形成输沙以及紫色土可蚀性等的影响因素。

    Characteristics of erosion and sediment production and loss of purple soil , the influence factors of erosion and credibility of purple soil as well as sediment production and transport in small watershed of purple hilly area were analyzed in this paper .