
  • land confiscation
  1. 如果男子私奔被捉到,他会被从家庙中除名,拥有的土地被没收,而人则会被绑在门板上用木棍抽打直至重伤甚至死去。女子如果私奔被捉,或者是被休回家,或者被扔到井里淹死。

    If a man was caught eloping , his name would be removed from the family temple , his land be confiscated , and his body tied to a door plank , beaten by stick until he was severely hurt or even dead ; the girl would be either forced to go home or drowned in the well .

  2. 他的土地被国家没收了。

    His lands were forfeit ( to the state ) .

  3. 他们的土地在战后被没收。

    Their land was confiscated after the war .

  4. 边界对于土地是采取全部没收、彻底分配的政策;

    The land policy which has been adopted in the border areas is complete confiscation and thorough distribution ;

  5. 他的死也意味着他的氏族的死亡——他的土地和财产被没收,而他的随从成为了浪人,意思就是没有主人的武士。

    His death also meant the death of his clan - his lands and goods were confiscated while his retainers became ronin , meaning samurai without masters .

  6. 本文根据所收集到的资料,从中央与地方在土地所有权、土地的没收与分配、对农民各阶层政策等几个方面找出差异,并对政策存在差异的原因作出分析。

    According to the data collected from the central and local government , the article wants to find difference and analyze the reasons leading to difference in land ownership , land confiscation and distribution , different policy to peasant class .