- 名public ownership of land

The third part : The influence of public ownership of land to easement .
The author of the article , on the presupposition of public ownership of land , has put forward a system of land tenancy with compensation , which may offer as an option for the solution of the agricultural question .
Public ownership of land distinguishes China from western countries .
The government should consider how to distribute land proceeds rather , by transferring finance comprehensive .
Overpassing refers to that Russia could directly go into socialism on the base of the backward countryside commune .
Our country has succeeded in setting up family-contract responsibility system on the basis of steady publicly-owned system of rural land .
Land category exists objectively under land socialism public ownership , which is the theoretic foundation to use land with a reward .
The first is manufacture factors , such as land public ownership , immature labour and capital market , low industry convergence degree .
While establishing the land market legal system based on public ownership , we are bound to separate land use with land ownership .
Legislation improvement should base on public ownership of land as fundamental realities of our country , and take it as an important factor into considerations .
In this graduation thesis , by comparing domestic easement with external easement and combining our country 's actual situation of state-ownership system of land , I provide legislative suggestions to improve our country 's easement .
Under the premise in existing the duration of urban land-use systems and the national ownership of urban land can not be changed , should change its emphasis on public property in past legislative attitude , turn to increase the protection of private property rights .
To implement the common wealth and prevent polarize , China should insist the public ownership of rural land , and the scale management of agriculture can not be implemented by the privately-ownership of rural land .
Article 2 The People 's Republic of China resorts to a socialist public ownership i.e. an ownership by the whole people and ownerships by collectives , of land .
At present , our country executes the socialist public ownership of land , in practice by the governments at various levels is on behalf of the country on the ownership of the land , which determines the government has very strong reaction in our urban land use development process .
It will be serialized in five times : ① general development of land legislation , mainly discuss the land legislation in the stage of erect and development of public ownership of land ;
Compared with above mentioned , the land system that confirms state ownership while transfers the contract and management right to farmers permanently on the premise of maintaining the land public ownership , will avoid problems caused by collectivization or privatization , and thus presents as the best scheme .