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  • pattern;design;graphics
图案 [tú àn]
  • [pattern;design] 有装饰意味的、结构整齐匀称的花纹或图形

  • 圆点花纹的图案

图案[tú àn]
  1. 五彩缤纷的小花使得黑白图案不那么单调。

    The black and white pattern is relieved by tiny coloured flowers .

  2. 白色的大理石地板镶嵌在铜质的放射形图案中。

    The white marble floors were inlaid in a radial pattern of brass .

  3. 有种类繁多的图案可供选择。

    There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from .

  4. 他们临摹那些希腊花瓶上的图案。

    They copied the designs from those on Greek vases .

  5. 瓷砖有各种各样的颜色和图案。

    The tiles come in a huge range of colours and designs .

  6. 他让人给他在肩膀上刺了一颗心形图案。

    He had a heart tattooed on his shoulder .

  7. 他的肩膀上刺了一颗心形图案。

    His shoulder was tattooed with a heart .

  8. 桌子装饰着黄金镶嵌的图案。

    The table was decorated with gold inlay .

  9. 霜在窗子上形成了图案。

    Frost patterned the window .

  10. 她的洗衣机经常会把织物上的一些复杂图案的边缘磨坏。

    Her washing machine tends to fray edges on intricate designs .

  11. 14世纪,几何图形是风靡一时的墙壁装饰图案。

    Geometric designs were popular wall decorations in the 14th century .

  12. 玛蒂尔达在一块有花鸟图案的祭坛布上刺绣。

    Matilda was embroidering an altar cloth covered with flowers and birds

  13. 这是些百搭的古雅图案。

    These are classic designs which will fit in well anywhere .

  14. 她抱着两个用带有冬青枝叶图案的纸包装的盒子走了出来。

    She came out with two packages wrapped in holly-sprigged paper .

  15. 他的所有家当都装在一个干净的方格图案手提袋里。

    All his worldly goods were packed into a neat checked carrier bag

  16. 无论什么样的色彩图案,都有与之相配的织物。

    Whatever your colour scheme , there 's a fabric to match .

  17. 他们的整套餐具上都饰有黑莓图案。

    Their range of tableware is decorated with a blackberry design

  18. 我们不是很喜欢花卉图案和过于繁琐的设计。

    We are not very keen on floral patterns and fussy designs .

  19. 船尾饰有红色和蓝色的雕刻图案。

    The stern was embellished with carvings in red and blue

  20. 他随后用模版在天花板上印上了月亮和繁星图案。

    He then stencilled the ceiling with a moon and stars motif .

  21. 许多画都是基于简单的几何图案。

    Many pictures have been based on simple geometric designs .

  22. 在开始前,将图案放在布的正中间。

    Centre the design on the cloth before you start .

  23. 常可在纯白色或带图案的彩色围巾中作出选择。

    You can often choose between plain white or coloured and patterned scarves .

  24. 在素色瓷砖上印制一些图案使其更吸引人如何?

    How about pepping up plain tiles with transfers ?

  25. 表面磨光以后,刻入或画上图案。

    After the surface is polished , a design is incised or painted .

  26. 只要所有垂直面在一条线上,图案看起来就会很整齐。

    As long as the verticals align , the design will look regular .

  27. 这个图案可以用十字针法绣出来。

    The design can be worked in cross stitch .

  28. 用叉子尖在面包上划十字图案作标记

    Mark the loaf with the prongs of a fork in a criss-cross pattern .

  29. 沿着你的样板边画一圈,把图案描在一张硬纸板上。

    Trace around your template and transfer the design onto a sheet of card .

  30. 这些衬衫上印着佩斯利旋纹图案。

    The shirts were printed with a paisley pattern