
ɡuó jì yóu jiàn
  • international postal materials
  1. 国内和国际邮件寄递;

    Posting and delivering of domestic and international postal materials ;

  2. 他把一张国际邮件预付回信邮资单装入他的信中。

    He enclosed an international reply coupon with his letter .

  3. 这是国际邮件吗?

    A : Is this international mail ?

  4. 这里介绍了国际邮件的特点,并提出了国际包裹邮件的自动化处理工艺流程。

    The article introduces the traits of international mails , brings forward the production now of transacting international parcels automatically .

  5. 广州航空邮件处理中心,作为中国邮政的重要航空枢纽,是中国邮政的三个主要国际邮件互换局之一的主要处理场地。

    As an important airmail hub in China , Guangzhou Airmail Processing Center is one of three major processing centers for China Postal Service International Mail Exchange Bureau .

  6. 他们这种要求,实际上就是国外私人企业在我国领土上设立办理国际邮件业务的“邮局”。

    They were , in fact , asking for the establishment of " a post office " by foreign private enterprises in order to handle international mails in the Chinese territory .

  7. 国际快速邮件传递业务遍及100多个国家和地区。

    Also EMS is available to over 100 countries and regions in the world .

  8. 国际间的邮件就是依据互惠安排进行递送的。

    International mail is delivered by a reciprocal arrangement .

  9. 日内瓦公约以瑞士的红十字会的调解来管理国际战俘的邮件。

    The Geneva Convention controlled international pow mail , mediated by the Red Cross in switzerland .