
ɡuó jì huò bì zhì dù
  • international monetary system
  1. 理事会国际货币制度临时委员会

    Interim Committee of the Board of Governors on the International Monetary System

  2. 国际货币制度(国际金融体系)

    International monetary system ( also International financial system )

  3. 布雷顿森林体系中,黄金-美元成为国际货币制度的基础。

    Dollar got to be the foundation of international currency system .

  4. 每一次国际货币制度的演变,无不伴随着某种形式的货币危机。

    Every evolution was accompanied by some form of currency crisis .

  5. 国际货币制度改革及有关问题特设委员会;

    Ad Hoc Committee on Reform of the international monetary system and related issues ;

  6. 收支平衡、不受限制的和受限制的汇率浮动以及国际货币制度的材料。

    Payment balances , clean and dirty floats , and the International Monetary System .

  7. 欧洲和美洲的区域货币一体化成果使区域货币一体化成为国际货币制度的发展趋向。

    As the regional monetary integration becomes the developing trend of the international currency system .

  8. 国际货币制度演变问题特设政府间高级专家

    Ad Hoc Intergovernmental High-level Group of Experts on the Evolution of the International Monetary System

  9. 国际货币制度视角下的货币危机机理研究

    The Study on the Mechanism of Currency Crises with the Perspective of the International Monetary System

  10. 正文的第一部分回顾了国际货币制度对汇率制度选择的制约关系。

    Part One reviews the limitation of international currency regimes on choice of exchange rate regimes .

  11. 国际货币制度变迁的百年历史也是人类对以货币表示的信用秩序选择的历史。

    The history of international monetary system is the history of people ' choice for credit order symbolized by currency .

  12. 虽然我对于外汇市场的机制有了大概的了解,但是对于什么是国际货币制度这个问题还是不十分清楚。

    While I generally understand the way foreign exchange markets work , I am not sure exactly what the International Monetary System is .

  13. 然后,结合欧洲货币一体化的实践,文章重点分析欧元模式对国际货币制度的创新之处。

    Then with the practice of European monetary integration , the paper fazes on the innovation of Euro pattern to international monetary system .

  14. 至此,国际货币制度经历了从国际金本位制→布雷顿森林体系→牙买加体系的演变过程。

    Since then , the international monetary system has gone through from the international gold standard to Bretton Woods System , then the Jamaica System .

  15. 通过对国际货币制度变迁及其动因的综合分析,阐述了国际货币制度的变迁对中国的影响与启示。

    This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the international monetary system and the driving force for it and expatiates its influence on China .

  16. 布莱克:最近,我读了大量有关外汇汇率浮动、收支平衡、不受限制的和受限制的汇率浮动以及国际货币制度的材料。

    Black : I have been reading a great deal recently about exchange-rate fluctuations , payment balances , clean and dirty floats , and the International Monetary System .

  17. 脆弱的国际货币制度和狭隘的金融霸权是国际金融体系无序性的主要表现,也是当代国际金融体系持续动荡的根源。

    The first two aspects are main manifestations of the unsoundness of international finance system , and also the source of continued turbulence in the international finance system .

  18. 为应对冲击、避免金融动荡和寻求经济稳定,区域货币合作和货币一体化成为国际货币制度的发展趋向。

    To cope with the attack , avoid financial turbulence and seek to economic stability , regional monetary cooperation and monetary integration become a trend of international monetary system .

  19. 区域货币合作是国际货币制度的发展趋向,它能有效地应对国际资本流动对区域经济稳定的冲击以及避免金融动荡。

    As the development trend of international monetary system , regional monetary cooperation , which can effectively respond to the impact of international capital flows and avoid financial instability .

  20. 在制度创新阶段即从金汇兑本位制到布雷顿森林体系,是创新型利益集团主导,即美国取代英国成为国际货币制度的供给者;

    In the stage of institution innovation ( from Gold Exchange 126 Standard System to Bretton Woods Agreement ) the institution change is led by the innovative interest group-the American group .

  21. 19世纪70年代以后欧美各国和日本等相继仿效,使金本位制成为世界上最早的国际货币制度。

    After the seventies of nineteenth century , countries in Europe , the United States and Japan followed the trend one after another , making it become the earliest international monetary system .

  22. 国际货币制度在经历从布雷顿森林体系到牙买加体系的演变后,又出现了区域汇率协调安排和区域货币合作的趋势。

    After the development of the Bretton Woods System and the Jamaica system , under the background of global finance integrated , it appears regional exchange rate coordinate arrangement and regional monetary cooperation .

  23. 第三章认为欧元是国际货币制度发展在欧洲的必然结果,也是欧洲在区域货币关系安排上的最优应对战略;

    Chapter 3 indicates that Euro is an inevitable result of the development of international monetary system , and at the mean time is the best strategy for Europe to react to its regional monetary relations .

  24. 最近中国央行行长周小川在演讲中呼吁改革国际货币制度,对美元疲软的担忧被视作其背后的原因所在。

    Worries about dollar weakness are assumed to lie behind the call in a recent speech by Zhou Xiaochuan , governor of the People 's Bank Of China , for reform of the international monetary system .

  25. 国际储备货币制度:内在缺陷及改革&2008年全球金融危机引发的思考

    The Reform of the International Monetary System : Reviewing the 2008 Financial Crisis

  26. 全球化与国际金融货币制度:从亚洲危机中吸取教训

    Globalization and the international financial and monetary system : lessons learned from the Asian crisis

  27. 而布雷顿森林国际储备货币制度同样避免不了推出历史舞台的命运。

    The Bretton Woods system of international reserve currency can not roll over to avoid the same fate .

  28. 国际货币汇率制度的发展趋势,是由固定汇率安排走向浮动汇率安排。

    The development tendency of international currency exchange rate system is the transmission from fixed exchange rate arrangement to floating one .

  29. 国际储备货币制度是指各国政府为了便于国际贸易和国际结算的进行而对国际间各种交易支付所作的一系列制度安排,包括对此所确定的原则、采取的措施和建立的机构。

    International reserve currency system refers to the government in order to facilitate international trade and settlement of international transactions is paid for in a series of institutional arrangements , including the determined by the principles , measures and institutions .

  30. 基于统一国际货币的汇率制度发展构想

    Research on development of the exchange rate system based on unified international currency