
  • 网络internationalization process
  1. 国际化进程中的读者服务新理念

    The New Concept on Serving Readers In an Internationalization Process

  2. 我国证券市场国际化进程中法律监管问题研究

    A Research in Legal Supervision of Internationalization Process of China 's Securities Market

  3. 在我国加入了WTO后,由于高新技术企业的加入,商品化、产业化、国际化进程加快了。

    After joining WTO , high-tech enterprises to accelerate the industrialization , commercialization and internationalization .

  4. 随着WTO协议的加入,我国保险业的国际化进程必然加快。

    With the joining of WTO agreement , the internationalized process of the insurance of our country must be accelerated .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO,加快融入世界市场,中国的企业也开始了国际化进程,首当其冲的是品牌的国际化。

    With China 's entry into WTO and accelerance into international market , Chinese enterprises begin their course of internationalization .

  6. 随着中国正式加入WTO,国际化进程在中国的高速发展,传统的企业管理方式正在面临着挑战,老的物业管理方式工作效率低、劳动强度大、准确性差的现实已经暴露无遗。

    Traditional enterprise management is facing challenges , old low efficiency of property management and labor-intensive , real accuracy difference has been exposed .

  7. 加入WTO对我国农业的影响是很深刻的,它必将大大促进我国农业的市场化、国际化进程。

    Entering WTO will deeply influence China 's agriculture , and will greatly promote the course of marketization and internationalization of China 's agriculture .

  8. 加入WTO,加快了我国高等教育国际化进程,高校教师队伍面临新挑战和新要求。

    When China enters WTO , it will make greater progress in the international higher education . University teachers will face new challenges and demands .

  9. 随着我国加入WTO和农业国际化进程的加快,我国农产品市场面临着前所未有的压力。

    Along with the rapid progress of agriculture internationalization after China joined WTO , the market of agriculture products in China are confronting an unprecedented pressure .

  10. 从改革开放到加入WTO,中国日益融入国际社会,中国高等教育的国际化进程也越来越快,而与发达国家比较在科技与教育方面的差距越来越小。

    With China carrying out the opening policy and entering WTO , the process of Chinese higher education 's entering the international higher education system grows faster .

  11. 加入WTO对中国农业的影响是很深刻的,必将大大促进中国农业市场化、国际化进程。但受农业经济发展水平的制约,中国农业的国际竞争力仍然处于劣势,面临着极其严峻的挑战。

    China 's WTO membership will greatly influence her agriculture , accelerating the marketing and internationalization of her agriculture , which is still weak for the challenge .

  12. 随着中国加入WTO后股票市场国际化进程的加快,各种金融创新、政策创新和制度创新不断推出,中国股票市场分割的原有格局、结构、表现等也处于不断演进的过程中。

    The Chinese stock market internationalization has experienced a rapidly development after China has joined the WTO and all kinds of financial innovations and policies has been established .

  13. 我国加入WTO将使我国证券市场国际化进程加快,证券市场的国际化必然要求会计准则的国际化。

    Joining WTO will speed the international process of securities market in our country , and the internationalization of securities market must demand the internationalization of accounting standards .

  14. 我国加入WTO后,会计标准的国际化进程和改革的步伐加快,现行会计人员面临的机遇与挑战并存。

    After China 's entry of WTO , the internationalization and reform of accounting criteria has been accelerated , urging those current accountants confronted with both opportunities and challenges .

  15. 中国正式加入WTO,全面接受和履行WTO《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》(TRIPS协定)义务,我国更深地融入了商标法律制度国际化进程。

    With the officially entry of the WTO , completely redeeming the TRIPS ' obligations , China deeply entered into the internationalization possession of brand legal system .

  16. 近年来,随着中国加入WTO和经济全球化的加剧,企业国际化进程中的人力资源管理问题越来越受到人们的重视。

    In recent years , along with China joined the WTO and economic globalizations , the human resource management problem within the enterprise internationalization stages is value by the people .

  17. 新秀和国际球员的表现和作用积极地影响着NBA的进步与发展,并加速NBA国际化进程。

    Young players and international players affect the process of NBA actively , and thus speed up the internationalization of NBA .

  18. 在中国加入WTO后,中国证券市场将在更高的战略架构、更广的业务领域,更深的合作层次来加快国际化进程,提高中国证券市场国际化水平。

    After the assess to WTO , China would speed up the process of and increase the level of the internationalization of its security market in higher strategic structure level , wider business scopes and deeper cooperation .

  19. 随着我国加入WTO后市场国际化进程的加快,大豆及其制品产业链中越来越多的生产、流通、加工等企业已直接面对国际竞争并陷入价格波动风险之中。

    With development of market internationalization after China entry into the WTO , enterprises of produce . circulation and process in industry chain of soybean and it 's products face international competition involved in risk of price wave .

  20. 随着我国市场经济的建立,经济不断迅速发展,特别是我国加入WTO后,我国经济的国际化进程不断加快。

    With the establishment of Chinese market economy , the economy has continuously and quickly developed . Especially China joins to the WTO , the internationalization progress of the Chinese economy continuously speeds up and its degree also continuously strengthens .

  21. JET中国青年的工作增进了日本同中国的相互理解、交流与合作,在中日两国各地区的国际化进程中,特别是在推动中日两国间教育交流事业的发展中发挥了积极作用。

    The " JET Chinese youth " promote the mutual understanding , exchange and cooperation between Japan and China and play an active role in the development of the two countries ' educational exchange in the internationalization of China and Japan .

  22. 这一里程碑式的交易是人民币国际化进程中的又一步,将为人民币增添又一个重要的资产类别,汇丰环球资本融资主管利子琛(SpencerLake)表示。

    This landmark transaction is another step in the internationalisation of the renminbi and will add another important asset class to the currency , said Spencer Lake , global head of capital financing at HSBC .

  23. 我国加入WTO后,为了应对WTO的需求,会计工作必须加大改革的力度:首先要加快会计国际化进程,使会计改革走在经济体制改革的前列;

    After China 's WTO entry , forceful reform should be carried out in accounting practice to meet the need of WTO . Firstly , we should accelerate the process of accounting internationalization , let accounting reform take the lead in the innovation of economic system .

  24. 加入WTO不仅为中国提供了进一步融入世界经济潮流和参与世界经济秩序的契机,而且也成为中国在新世纪市场化和国际化进程以及经济社会发展的重要推动力。

    Access to WTO provides China not only with chances to further integrate into the world economic trends and participate in the world economic order but also with impetus to deepen its marketization and internationalization as well as to promote its economic and social development in the new century .

  25. 具体包括:加快人民币国际化进程;推动QDII的发展,鼓励民间对外投资;合理利用FDI,提高FDI使用率;推动我国证券市场的发展。

    The specifics include : to make the process of RMB internationalization more rapid ; to promote development of QDII and encourage private capital to invest abroad ; to improve the utilization of FDI ; to promote development of Chinese securities market .

  26. 为适应国际钻井装备市场发展要求,加快国产石油钻机国际化进程,设计研制了出口美国NaborsZJ70/4500DB钻机。

    To meet the requirements of market development of international drilling equipment , expediting the internationalization of domestic oil drilling rigs , Nabors ZJ70 / 4500DB drilling rig is developed for exporting to USA.

  27. 汉语国际化进程中存在的一些问题及对策

    Some problems and corresponding solutions in the course of Chinese internationalization

  28. 人民币国际化进程中的货币反替代研究

    Research on Currency Anti-Substitution of RMB in the Process of Internationalization

  29. 中国企业国际化进程中的组织结构问题

    Organizational Structure Problems of Chinese Enterprises in the Course of Internationalization

  30. 第三,推进人民币国际化进程。

    Thirdly , promote the process of internationalization of the RMB .