
ɡuó yǒu cái chǎn
  • State owned property;national properties;property of the state
  1. 这种公司不是挪威国有财产。

    This kind of company is not a Norwegian national treasure .

  2. 市场经济背景下国有财产结构的二元化设计

    Research on Binary-rization of the State Property Structure in Market Economy System

  3. 浅析全民所有制企业对国有财产的占有

    An Analysis of Possessing State-owned Property by State-owned Enterprises

  4. 在国内之国有财产,其赠与行为以动产为限。

    The contribution of the domestic national property is limited to the personal property .

  5. 引发激烈辩论的物权法实际上给予了私人财产同国有财产平等的地位。

    The hotly-debated property legislation effectively grants private property the same status as state-owned property .

  6. (一)国有财产;

    Property owned by the State ;

  7. 前项标售,由财政部国有财产局办理之。

    The sale by tendering in the foregoing paragraph shall be handled by the national property administration .

  8. 第四部分:贪污罪主体类型之二&受委托管理、经营国有财产的人员。

    Part ⅳ, Persons authorized to administer and manage State-owned property & thesecond kind of subject of corruption offence .

  9. 即使是亲军政府的民族团结党也抱怨联邦巩固发展党获得国有财产和设施的单方面支持。

    Even the NUP complained about the unilateral campaigns of the USDP , which has access to state-owned property and facilities .

  10. 财政部设国有财产局,承办前项事务;其组织以法律定之。

    The Ministry of Finance establishes national property administration to undertake the proceeding affairs ; its organization is determined by act .

  11. 在国有财产取得制度中,存在着国家利益与个人利益之间的利益衡量问题。

    In acquisitive system of state-owned property , there is a balance problem between personal and state 's benefit , and acquisit .

  12. 随着生产社会化的发展国家不得不承担起对生产的领导的观点,被实践证明是正确的,但这在西方国家未必表现为转化为国有财产的必然性。

    With the socialization of production , the idea that the state is supposed to guide the production has been justified in reality .

  13. 结果表明:国有财产保险公司纯粹技术效率较高,规模效率较低;

    The result shows : the pure technology efficiency of state-owned Property-liability Insurance companies is high , but its scale efficiency is low ;

  14. 国有财产的中央与地方关系主要有“统一所有说”和“分别所有说”两种观点。

    There are mainly two opinions about the relationship between central and local governments concerning state-owned property , namely unified ownership and respective ownership .

  15. 国有财产和私有财产:刑法面前如何平等&以合理分类理论和一体刑的平等论为基础

    Equal Protection of State Property and Private Property in Criminal Law : An Analysis Based on Theory of Rational Classification and Theory of Integrated Punishment

  16. 私有财产从此受到法律的保护,并且与国有财产和集体所有财产享有同等的法律地位。

    Since then , private property protected by law , and with the state-owned property and collective property of all enjoy the same legal status .

  17. 国有财产划分关键要解决好中央与地方之间财权与事权相适应问题以及国有财产的市场转型问题。

    The key to the division of state-owned property is to resolve the unification of financial and administrative powers and the market transformation of state-owned property .

  18. 拟通过对全民所有财产到国有财产的变迁、当代俄罗斯国家财产的法权构造以及当代俄罗斯国家财产理论的基本特点的分析,以期深刻全面地揭示当代俄罗斯的国家财产制度。

    This article analyses that change and its right structure and its general theoretic characteristic of Russian state property to exam contemporary Russian state property system .

  19. 受委托管理、经营国有财产的人员可以构成贪污罪主体,但却不能构成受贿罪主体。

    Any person entrusted to administer and manage state-owned property can constitute the subject of acceptance of bribes , but cannot constitute the subject of corruption crime .

  20. 平等保护既意味着国家或政府不能侵害个人财产,同样也意味着个人不能侵害国有财产。

    Equal protection means that nation or governments can 't violate the thing personal , the same also means that individual can 't violate the state-owned property .

  21. 财政部国有财产局得以委托、合作或信托方式,配合区域计划、都市计划办理左列事项一改良土地。

    National property administration may handle the following matters by means of entrust , cooperation and trust in keeping with regional planning and urban planning : 1.land improvement .

  22. 从内涵上区分公共财产、公共财物及国有财产三者的关系,明确了刑法第382条公共财物的认定,应当以第91条公共财产的规定为依据。

    The article differentiates the relationship from the connotation , among " the public property " , " the public domains " and " the state-owned property " .

  23. 国有财产、集体财产和私人财产以及企业,都符合集合物的构成要求;它们之所以能作为物权的客体,是要适用统一的法律关系。

    State property , collective property , private property and enterprise are all suitable to be viewed as universitates , which could apply integrally certain legal relations as the object of property .

  24. 君王的私产与国有财产实质上难以分别,所有权与政权结合十分紧密。

    At that tune it is difficulty to distinguish the private property of the emperor from the state property due to the fact that there is a close combination of ownership and regime .

  25. 但是非国有财产一旦投入社会,成为企业财产,发挥的作用却是社会的、公共的、为群众所依存,又影响、制约群众。

    But once non - state-owned property is put into society , it becomes the enterprise property , and performs functions to the society and public ; it depends on the populace as well as affects the populace .

  26. 重庆国有财产保险公司既要面对实力强大的外资保险公司的挑战,又要抓住这几年保护期,全面提高自身能力。

    Chongqing state-owned property insurance companies not only have to meet the current challenges from strong foreign counterparts , but also have to take the advantage of the limited protecting period to improve their own competency all around .

  27. 前项拨用,应由申请拨用机关检具使用计划及图说,报经其上级机关核明属实,并征得财政部国有财产局同意后,层报行政院核定之。

    For the appropriation of proceeding paragraph , the applying authority shall attach the land use plan and drawings and summit to the superior authority for identifying , after the agreement of the national property administration , submit to the Executive Yuan for approval .

  28. 犯罪主体历来是职务犯罪研究的难点,公务行为的理解,混合所有制企业中单位性质的认定,受委托管理、经营国有财产的人员是本文关注的重点。

    Subject of crime is always the difficulty in the duty crime research . Official business behavior understanding , unit nature recognizing in mix system of ownership enterprise , mandatory administration , manages the state-owned property personnel are the key point this article pays attention .

  29. 国有资源性财产管理模式探析

    The Discussion about the Management Mode of State-owned Resources Property

  30. 国有破产企业财产的租赁与职工权利的法律保障&从一则破产案件涉及的有关问题进行分析

    The Property of the Bankruptcy 's Tenancy and the Protection of the Worker 's Right and Profit & Analysis from a bankruptcy case