
  1. 海盗之星在格林威治停留一整晚后,继续其行程开往挪威城市卑尔根,在那里参加5月17日举行的国家宪法日庆祝活动,并接受洗礼。

    It was anchored overnight at Greenwich , before continuing its journey to the Norwegian city of Bergen where it was christened during the country'sConstitutionDay Celebrations on May 17 .

  2. 另一名全国政协委员、中山大学科研发展办公室主任刘昕建议将每年12月4日的国家宪法日列为公共节假日。

    Another national political adviser Liu Xin , director of scientific research and development office at Sun Yat-sen University , advised to make the nation 's Constitution Day , which falls on Dec 4 every year , a public holiday .

  3. 世界范围内,包括丹麦、西班牙、日本在内的超过二十个国家在本国国家宪法日休假一天。以上提案均得到广大网友的大力支持。

    Worldwide , more than 20 countries , including Denmark , Spain and Japan , take one day off work on their constitution days .