
  • 网络solid state fermentation
  1. 利用固态发酵法生产营养型柿醋的研究

    Studies on Producing Nutritional Persimmon Vinegar by Solid State Fermentation

  2. 目前我国食醋生产普遍采用固态发酵法,利用麸曲作为糖化剂。

    Solid state fermentation using mould bran as saccharifying agent is popularly adopted in vinegar manufacturing in this country .

  3. 红曲霉菌种选育及固态发酵法生产monacolink研究

    Study on screening of Monascus sp . and production of Monacolin K with solid-state fermentation

  4. 陈化籼米固态发酵法生产柠檬酸的研究

    Producing Citric Acid From Aged Long-grain Non-glutinous Rice by Solid-state Fermentation

  5. 低盐固态发酵法酱油生产的数据库建立及其应用

    Database of soy sauce production by low-salt solid-state fermentation and its application

  6. 以淀粉副产物的混合物为原料,通过固态发酵法生产单细胞蛋白。

    SCP from starch by-product by solid-state fermentation was studied .

  7. 固态发酵法生产白酒的连续蒸馏设备的设计

    Design of continuous distillation equipment for Chinese liquor production by solid-state fermentation

  8. 固态发酵法生产柿子醋的研究

    Study on production of persimmon vinegar by solid-state fermentation

  9. 固态发酵法生产棕榈仁粕多肽饲料的研制

    Polypeptide feed from palm kernel cake by solid-state fermentation

  10. 固态发酵法白酒糟深加工成饲料商品的思考

    Processing Commodity Fodder with the Distiller ′ s Grains in the Production of Liquor by Solid Fermentation

  11. 以太行山区野生柿子为原料,采用固态发酵法对营养型柿醋的生产工艺进行了研究。

    The persimmon vinegar would be turbid because of the non-biological oxidation during its producing and reserving process .

  12. 本研究用黄粉为玉米蛋白质原料,通过低盐固态发酵法酿造鲜味调味液。

    Using yellow powder as corn protein material by solid and low salt content fermentation , flavor seasoning was obtained .

  13. 实验表明:用柿果浆加工柿子果醋这种加工技术克服了液态发酵法和固态发酵法的缺点,大大提高了柿子果醋的营养价值和保健药用功能。

    In order to widen the variety of domestic drinks and health-care products , the new technology of fruit vinegar with persimmon pulp is introduced .

  14. 介绍了固态发酵法白酒生产实施数字化控制的意义和建立白酒生产数据库的步骤。

    The Act introduced solid fermentation production of the digital control of the white spirit meaning white spirit production database and the establishment of the steps .

  15. 生产厂家主要采用固态发酵法,纤维素酶液态深层发酵条件的研究仅处在实验室水平。

    But China did not make a breakthrough at all time . Most factory adopted solid fermentation , liquid fermentation only at the laboratory level in china .

  16. 以纯大米为原料,大酒饼为糖化发酵剂,采用边糖化边发酵的半固态发酵法工艺。产品澄清透明,无色或略带黄色,具有独特豉香味,入口醇滑,无苦杂味;

    The liquor is produced with rice as raw materials and large caky starter as saccharifying ferment by semi-solid fermentation method ( saccharification and fermentation simultaneously ) .

  17. 利用纤维素酶分解菌的固态发酵法降解高变性脱脂豆粕中的纤维素,研究其对提高豆粕中蛋白质水溶出率的作用。

    The solid state fermentation with active cellulase producing strains in increasing the rate of protein dissolved of the high denatured defatted soybean cake was discussed in this thesis .

  18. 微生物固态发酵法因其处理条件温和、不会破坏产品品质等优点,日益受到关注。

    Nowadays , microbe solid - state fermentation is paid more and more attention as it provides a much more tender means that will not destroy the products ' quality .

  19. 果醋加工的工艺方法较多,主要可分为液态发酵、固液发酵及固态发酵法三种。

    Processing techniques can be divided into 3 types according to the appearance of the material during the course of making vinegar , such as solid , solid-liquid and liquid .

  20. 固态发酵法生产纤维素酶产量高、成本低,优于液态发酵法,但因为固态发酵反应器比较独特,因此未能迅速普及。

    Compared to liquid state fermentation , Solid state fermentation ( SSF ) has many advantages such as high production and low cost , but SSF has not been used widely so far , because the bioreactor of SSF is relatively distinctive .

  21. 固态低盐发酵法酿造酱油缩短发酵期的试验

    The Test on Shortening the Period of Ferment of Brewing Soy Sauce in The Way of Solid State and Less Salt