
  • 网络Solidarity;Solidarity trade union
  1. 1980年,列宁造船厂的罢工致使团结工会得以成立。

    In 1980 , strikes at the Lenin Shipyards gave birth to the Solidarity trade union .

  2. 团结工会内部已产生的不愉快分歧可能会进一步演变为分裂。

    The bitter split which has developed within Solidarity is likely to harden further into separation .

  3. 当工人们感受到了改革的痛苦的时候,团结工会便开始失去支持了。

    Solidarity began to lose support as workers felt the pain of reform .

  4. 由于保加利亚人受到苏联的控制,这可能就意味着波兰团结工会的计划已被泄露或是瓦文萨本人身处险境。

    Since Bulgarians were under the control of the Soviets , this could either mean that Solidarity 's plans were compromised or that Walesa was in danger .

  5. 从莫斯科的观点来看,这样的措施是一种意想不到的决定,不仅摧毁了团结工会的力量同时避免了波兰的内战与苏联的军事入侵。

    From Moscow 's standpoint , this was a master stroke , breaking the power of Solidarity and doing it without civil war and without the use of Soviet force .

  6. 但如果你在维基中搜索波兰“团结工会”领导人的资料,结果则寥寥无几,而且内容相当贫乏。

    But search for biographies of the leaders ofthe Solidarity movement in Poland , and you would find no more than a dozen & and they are rather poorly edited .

  7. 他说,虽然人们似乎是支持工会的,但员工往往很难团结起来加入工会。

    He said although people seem to support unions , it is often hard for employees to come together and join one .

  8. 鼓励工人发扬主人翁的精神,团结合作,允许工会对公司的重大决策享有投票权和执行监督权。

    They encouraged workers to solidify and cooperate as the owners of the firms . The union was also allowed to share voting rights on the momentous decisions and monitors rights on the executions .

  9. 因此,这些人们也包括主人公在内必须同时发起跨种族的团结(比如在工会组织方面)和阶级斗争,才能在种植园乃至整个美国社会争取到自由和平等。

    Therefore , these people - including the protagonist - must launch an interethnic solidarity ( e.g. in terms of unionism ) and a class struggle at once in their fight for freedom and equality in Hawaiian plantations and the American society .