
  • 网络causal logic;causation
  1. 理性主义的因果逻辑方法,对于分析二战前欧洲政治情势很有说服力,而对于二战后欧洲民族国家(包括德国)外交政策的新价值取向问题(所谓的欧洲化问题)就缺乏解释力。

    It is proper for the rational causal logic to explain the European political situation before the Second World War , but it fails to interpret the new value orientation of foreign policy , i.e. the so-called Europeanization of European national states including Germany at post-war era .

  2. 首席研究员高木佐保在一次新闻发布会上说道,“猫利用对于噪音或声音的一种因果逻辑理解来预测看不见的物体的出现。”

    " Cats use a causal-logical understanding of noise or sounds to predict the appearance of invisible objects , " lead researcher Saho Takagi says in a press release .

  3. 中长期贷款:增长态势与因果逻辑

    Medium to Long Term Loan in China : Growing Trend and Consequence

  4. 学术生态环境与学术期刊的发展有着必然的因果逻辑关系。

    There is inevitable consequence between the development of academic journal and academic environment .

  5. 当怀疑因果逻辑时,首先要考虑的总是清晰明确性。

    Clarity is always the first reservation one should consider when questioning the logic of cause and effect .

  6. 汉画像砖艺术成就对后代装饰艺术产生了深刻影响本文试从因果逻辑这一规律来考察这三个相似情节中的相异性,从中我们可以看出作者深厚的艺术功底。

    This article attempts to make good use of cause-and-effect linkage to analyze the three plots , appreciating the author 's artistic attainments .

  7. 实证结果表明,信任基础和传递意愿都对组织智力产生显著正面影响的效应,传递意愿、信任基础和组织智力之间则存在前后因果逻辑。

    Empirical results showed , trust base and delivery willing had significant correlation with organizational intelligence and there existed cause-effect logic among delivering willing , trust base and organizational intelligence .

  8. 经典的系统理论致力于特定时刻系统与边界的划分,通过对各部分之间因果逻辑关系的分析,建立的动态系统模型无法克服牛顿还原论的影响。

    In traditional system theory , it is difficult to get rid of the influence of mechanical model by dividing the system into subsystems from the definition of system and its environment .

  9. 指出了规划中存在的突出问题:规划逻辑上存在价值逻辑和因果逻辑的缺陷;规划依据的需求预测置信水平不高。

    Two outstanding problems in planning practice were pointed , the first is the defect in causality and value logic , the second is that traffic volume forecast is short of credibility .

  10. 本文提出的入侵意图识别算法基于复合攻击的步骤间主要存在因果逻辑关系的特点,提出基于因果关系关联警报以进行意图识别。

    The intrusion plan recognition algorithm presented by the paper correlates intrusion alerts and implements plan recognition based on causal relation , which is the main relation between the steps in a network compound attacks on the result of observation .

  11. 这正与归因过程的概率模型提出的“普适的因果分析逻辑原则”相一致。

    This argument is consistent with the logical principle of universally applicable causal analysis put forward by the attribution probability model .

  12. 采用因果条件性逻辑推理研究的一般模式,研究了儿童社会信息因果推理发展状况。

    This study adopted the general pattern of logical reasoning with causal conditions to research the development of childrenren 's social information reasoning with causal conditions .

  13. 在这个视角下,经济个体的行为结果取决网络子系统的整体活动,所以任何先验的主观动机并不能由最终结果得到验证,这符合真实的因果关系逻辑。

    In this perspective , the behavior results of economic entity depend on the overall activities of the network subsystem , so any priori subjective motives cannot be verified by the final results . This is in line with the logic of cause-effect relationship .

  14. 具有两种因果关系模糊逻辑分析模型的稳定性结构

    Stable Structure of the Fuzzy Logic Model with Two Causal Effects

  15. 形而上学终结于新时代的技术,这种以因果性、逻辑性、主客二分为主要特征的思维方式在走过了它漫长的历史后达于完成而终结。

    Metaphysics was closed in the technology of new era . This kind of thought mode which has characteristics of cause and effect , logic , and separating between subject and object , will makes an end as it went through a long history .

  16. 何以导致社会化危机的问题由此转换成因果探究的思维逻辑问题。

    Therefore , the problem about how to result in the socialization crisis transforms to the logic problem about why to result in it .

  17. 等级观念的制度基石、因果观念的叙事逻辑、志怪叙事的传统影响等因素的共同作用,最终导致了《稽神录》社会性别叙事面貌的形成。

    The foundation of hierarchical system , the narrative logic of cause and effect concept , and the influence of narrative styles of odd stories finally led to the formulation of gender features in Ode to the Gods .

  18. 本文通过对理论的比较研究和对案例的实证分析,对医疗侵权因果关系的内在逻辑做出了深刻剖析,以期为医疗侵权司法实践提供有益的参考。

    Based on the comparative research of the theories and an empirical analysis to cases , this article makes a profound analysis of the internal logic of causality in medical tort , so as to provide a beneficial reference to judicial practice .