
yīn gōng xùn zhí
  • die in an accident while on duty;death in line of duty;die at one's post;die while on duty
因公殉职[yīn gōng xùn zhí]
  1. 上周在阿富汗遇害的美联社身影记者AnionNegeringheld在家乡德国得到安息,她是被一名警察指挥官杀害的。同事们对她的因公殉职表示尊敬并且铭记她工作的专业度和有感染力的笑声。

    AP photo journalist Anion Negeringheld who was killed in Afghanistan by a police commander last week was laid to rest in her hometown in Germany.Colleagues honored her at the service remembering her professionalism and infectious laugh .

  2. 一名警察因公殉职。

    A policeman met his death in the line of duty .

  3. 你们才会找人来调查吧任何消防员因公殉职我们都会调查

    We investigate any time a firefighter 's killed on the job .

  4. 他是首位因公殉职的捷运警员。

    He is the first DART officer to be killed in the line of duty .

  5. 警察和消防队认定他是因公殉职

    The police and fire department say that he died in the line of duty .

  6. 我们可爱的党是否把这位因公殉职的教授定位烈士呢?

    Whether our lovable party did die in line of duty this professor locates the martyr ?

  7. 如果他因公殉职,就不用付他薪水了。

    If he got killed doing his job , I wouldn 't keep him on the payroll .

  8. 该活动是为一个非盈利组织筹款,该组织是来帮助那些因公殉职的警官们的配偶的。

    The event raised money for a non-profit group that helps the spouses of police officers who were killed on duty .

  9. 在这场袭击事件中,诸多警察因公殉职和捕获一名恐怖袭击嫌犯令他们在感到荣耀之余又陷入了悲痛。

    The deaths in the line of duty and the capture of one terror suspect alive have been a cause for pride and sadness .

  10. 上面是消防局必须传达给成员的最坏的那一类消息,代码5-5-5-5,意为有人因公殉职。

    It bore the worst sort of news the Fire Department must relay to its members , the Code 5-5-5-5 . A death in the line of duty .

  11. 今天,在印地安那州和伊利诺斯州边界附近,两名警官在骑车为因公殉职的警员家庭筹款的途中遭遇了一场车祸。

    Two police officers riding bikes to raise money for the families of officers killed on duty were themselves killed in a wreck near the Indiana-Illinois State line today .