
  1. 文章通过对四排村赫哲族的渔猎生计历史和现状的研究来分析其传统的渔猎文化与生计转型的关系。

    The history and current situation of fishing and hunting conditions in sipai community reflect relation of changing between traditional culture of fishing and hunting and subsistence changes .

  2. 以双鸭山市饶河县四排赫哲族自治乡四排赫哲族村为调查点,深入考察了这一地区的族际婚姻状况,并针对这一地区的高族际通婚率进行了详细的分析。

    We select Si Pai He Zhe Nationality Village to carry out our investigation , and see about the cross-race-intermarriage , make a detailed analysis of the high rate of cross-race-intermarriage .