
  • 网络Ronin
  1. 即便如此,今天我们将为您带来我们所知的四十七浪人的故事。

    Even so , today we bring you , as best we know it , the tale of the 47 ronin .

  2. 在西方,我们熟知的是《四十七浪人》,讲述的是18世纪初四十七名失去了主人的武士为他们主人的不公死亡而展开的雄心勃勃的复仇的故事。

    In the West , we know it as The 47 Ronin - the story of 47 early 18th-century samurai who lose their master and embark on an ambitious journey to avenge the unjust death of their lord .

  3. 有四十七位浪人最为著名,近松门左卫门在《忠臣藏》剧目中颂扬了他们的行为。

    The most famous ronin were the47 whose actions were celebrated in the kabuki play Chushingura .