
  • 网络four brothers;Brothers Four;the brother four
  1. 但是太阳晒着的时候突然就想起了四兄弟的《绿野》。

    But Greenfields ( by The Brothers Four ) suddenly came to my mind when parched by the sun .

  2. 他是四兄弟中个子最矮的。

    He 's the shortest of four brothers .

  3. 根据《福布斯》(Forbes)的资料,创立康师傅的魏氏四兄弟是台湾第三富家族。

    The four Wei brothers who built Tingyi are the third-richest family in Taiwan , according to Forbes .

  4. 在任何危急状况,皆可传唤四兄弟前来救援。

    The brothers can be called upon in any critical situation for rescue and assistance .

  5. 叫'四兄弟禅修'。

    Is called Four Brothers Meditation .

  6. 然而隔天(尽管有四兄弟保护),我却被巴士撞了一下。

    Although the next day ( protective brothers notwithstanding ) I did get hit by a bus .

  7. 在你过世时,四兄弟收集你的灵魂,带你上天堂。

    When you die , your four spirit brothers collect your soul and bring you to heaven .

  8. 我向我的四兄弟祈祷啊祈祷,问他们为什么她不再爱我?

    I pray and pray to my four spirit brothers , ask why she not anymore love me ?

  9. 瑞恩被空投到了诺曼底的某个地方,他是家里四兄弟中唯一的幸存者了,其他三人都在作战中阵亡了。

    Ryan is the sole surviving member of four brothers , the other three having been killed in action .

  10. 《大闹天宫》是由万籁明导演、万氏四兄弟一起制作的动画电影。

    Uproar in Heaven is a Chinese animated feature film directed by Wan Laiming and produced by all four of the Wan brothers .

  11. 其余的家人-父母和包括西蒙在内的四兄弟-仍留在罗马尼亚,躲避在一个地下室里。

    The rest of the family parents and four brothers including Simon stayed in Romania , finding refuge ( 12 ) in a basement .

  12. 我说:杰克,闪一边去&老娘有四兄弟保护。于是我就从它旁边骑了过去。

    I said , Back off , Jack & I got four brothers protecting my ass , and I just rode right on by him .

  13. 四兄弟亚伦、扎卡利、尼格尔和尼克均在拉克塔东部高中就读,他们四人在其学校论文中提到了四胞胎的相关经历。

    The Lakota East High School seniors Aaron , Zachary , Nigel and Nick Wade in their college essays , wrote about being a quadruplet .

  14. 赖爷今天告诉我,他尚未把四兄弟禅修法教给哪个西方人,但他觉得我已做好准备。

    Today Ketut told me that he 's never taught any Westerner the Four Brothers Meditation yet , but he thinks I am ready for it .

  15. 据该新闻频道报道,在收到耶鲁大学提供的丰厚的大学助学金--这是其他学校完全无法比拟的之后,这四兄弟做出了该决定。

    The news channel said the four brothers decided on Yale after receiving an " extraordinary " financial aid package , which no other college could beat .

  16. 我喜欢他教我的禅修,简单而逗趣的让肝脏微笑,以及令人感到心安的四兄弟法。

    I like the meditations he has taught me , the comic simplicity of smile in your liver and the reassuring presence of the four spirit brothers .

  17. 赖爷教导我,每当和我的四兄弟说话,我必须跟他们说我是谁,才好让他们认出我来。

    Ketut then instructed me that whenever I speak to my four spirit brothers , I must tell them who I am , so they can recognize me .

  18. 我喜欢他教我的禅修,简单而逗趣的“让肝脏微笑”,以及令人感到心安的“四兄弟法”。

    I like the meditations he has taught me , the comic simplicity of " smile in your liver " and the reassuring presence of the four spirit brothers .

  19. 根据巴厘岛人的说法,埋入地里的椰子是未出生的四兄弟神圣的安息地,该地点永远像神庙般受人照料。

    According to the Balinese , this buried coconut is the holy resting place of the four unborn brothers , and that spot is tended to forever , like a shrine .

  20. 在《北京青年》中,四兄弟的故事都发生在旅途中。剧中讲述了他们在烟台、深圳和丽江等不同城市的经历。

    In Beijing Youth , the stories of these characters are collected along their traveling routes , told through their experiences in different cities , including Yantai , Shenzhen and Lijiang .

  21. 孩子从懂事以来即得知无论他去哪里,四兄弟都永远伴随着他,他们也将永远照顾他。

    The child is taught from earliest consciousness that she has these four brothers with her in the world wherever she goes , and that they will always look after her .

  22. 当叛军袭击了他们村庄的时候,四兄弟姐妹艾曼尼,安妮特,巴拉卡和还只有四岁的凯邦奇被迫逃到周围的森林。

    When rebels attacked their village , siblings Imani , Anicet , Baraka and Kibonge - who is just four years old - were forced to flee into the surrounding forests .

  23. 我说:“杰克,闪一边去——老娘有四兄弟保护。”于是我就从它旁边骑了过去。

    I said , " Back off , Jack - I got four brothers protecting my ass , " and I just rode right on by him . Eat , Pray , Love

  24. 我把这快乐储存起来,由我的四兄弟看守保护,以备日后之需。

    I 'm putting this happiness in a bank somewhere , not merely FDIC protected but guarded by my four spirit brothers , held there as insurance against future trials in life .

  25. 四兄弟呈现让生命安全快乐所需的四种德性:智慧、友谊、力量(我喜欢这项)和诗词。

    The brothers inhabit the four virtues a person needs in order to be safe and happy in life : intelligence , friendship , strength and ( I love this one ) poetry .

  26. 他继续说明巴厘岛人相信我们每个人出生时都有四兄弟陪伴,他们跟随我们来到世间,保护我们一辈子。

    Ketut went on to explain that the Balinese believe we are each accompanied at birth by four invisible brothers , who come into the world with us and protect us throughout our lives .

  27. 每天早晨,我在太阳从稻田一方升起之时禅坐,睡前我跟我的四兄弟说话,请他们在我睡觉时守护我。

    Every morning , I meditate while the sun comes up over the rice fields , and before bedtime I speak to my four spirit brothers and ask them to watch over me while I sleep .

  28. 在四兄弟很小的时候,他们的父亲--通用电气的软件设计师达林·韦德会对孩子诸如说谎等违规行为施以惩戒,比如,惩罚他们做仰卧起坐、俯卧撑,或围着街区跑圈等。

    When they were younger , their father , Darrin Wade , a software architect for General Electric , would punish disciplinary infractions like lying by making them do situps and push-ups and run around the block .

  29. 小孩还在子宫的时候,四兄弟甚至已与他同在——由胎盘、羊水、脐带以及保护胎儿皮肤的黄色蜡状物为代表。

    When the child is in the womb , her four siblings are even there with her - they are represen-ted by the placenta , the amniotic fluid , the umbilical cord and the yellow waxy substance that protects an unborn baby 's skin .

  30. 小孩还在子宫的时候,四兄弟甚至已与他同在&由胎盘、羊水、脐带以及保护胎儿皮肤的黄色蜡状物为代表。

    When the child is in the womb , her four siblings are even there with her & they are represen-ted by the placenta , the amniotic fluid , the umbilical cord and the yellow waxy substance that protects an unborn baby 's skin .