
qì xiè tǐ cāo
  • Apparatus gymnastics;gymnastics on apparatus;apparatus exercise;exercise on apparatus;heavy gymnastics
  1. 探析学生初学器械体操时的心理障碍及消除方法一种实时剔除雷达测量数据中野值的方法分析

    Exploring and Analysing the Psychological Barricade and Method of Eliminate about Learning the Gymnastics on Apparatus of New Lear ne A Method of Eliminate the Abnormal Data in the Real-time Radar Tracking

  2. 北京市中学器械体操的发展现状

    Development of Apparatus Gymnastics of Middle Schools in Beijing

  3. 浅析学生在器械体操教学中的害怕心理及防治方法

    FEAR FACTOR Students ' Pavid Psychology in Exercises on Apparatus Lessons and Its Curing Methods

  4. 2003年以前,军事器械体操一直是武警指挥院校军事体育课程的主要教学内容。

    The end of 2003 , military instrument gymnastics is always armed police command institutes military sports course teaching content .

  5. 器械体操列入体能课程后其教学目标、任务等必然发生一系列的变化。

    After the instrument gymnastics included in the teaching of physical course objectives and inevitable in a series of changes .

  6. 军事器械体操一直是武警指挥专业的重要教学内容,只是在不同的时期被列入了不同的课程。

    Military instrument gymnastics is always armed police command professional important teaching contents , just in different periods are included in the different courses .

  7. 本文根据体操课学生产生心理疲劳的原因,提出了一些预防手段,意在为完善器械体操的教学提供一定的理论参考。

    According to the mental fatigue reason , this text put forward the means of preventing mental fatigue . It provides theory reference for the perfect teaching .

  8. 器械体操内容教材化引起的教学目标、教学方法、教学组织形式、教学评价的变化。

    The change of teaching goal , teaching method and teaching organization forms , teaching evaluation which are all caused by the teaching materialization of apparatus gymnastics .

  9. 器械体操对发展学生灵活、量、调、韧、衡等身体素质,培养学生勇往直前、忍不拔的精神,发挥着极其重要的作用。

    Gymnastics on or with apparatus class has the very important effect to the development of student , such as physical strength , coordination , pliable and balanced etc.

  10. 2003年全国武警部队和院校执行新的《军事训练大纲》后,军事器械体操被列入体能课程教学内容。

    2003 national armed forces and colleges and universities to implement the new syllabus of the military training , military instrument gymnastics was listed in the physical teaching contents .

  11. 军事器械体操是体能课程四大教学内容之一,其教学质量与水平对于全面实现体能教学目标具有重要意义。

    Military instrument gymnastics is one of the three physical course teaching content and the teaching quality and level of physical teaching goal to fully realize has important significance .

  12. 从理论上重点论述了器械体操内容教材化符合高师体育教育专业体操课程目标和《体育与健康课程标准》的要求:器械体操内容所具有的系统性、类缘性;

    In theory , It lays stress on expounding that the teaching materialization of apparatus gymnastics is in accordance with the requirements of " the Standards of Athletics and Healthy Curriculum ";

  13. 体操教学素材开设的顺序为:支撑跳跃、轻器械体操、广播体操、技巧、体育舞蹈、队列队形、团体操、艺术体操、韵律体操和健美操。

    The sequence of teaching contents for gymnastics should be vaulting horse , Light-hickey gymnastics , broadcasting gymnastics , floor exercise , sports dancing , alignment order , team gymnastics , artistic gymnastics , Rhythmic gymnastics and Aerobics .

  14. 学校体操包括队列队形、徒手体操、器械体操、轻器械体操、专门器械体操、团体操、实用性体操、学校艺术体操、健身健美操、垫上运动。

    The school gymnastics including queue formation , free-hand gymnastics , gymnastics on apparatus , hand on apparatus gymnastics , special instrument gymnastics , group calisthenics , practical gymnastics , school rhythmic gymnastics , fitness aerobics and mat tumbling .

  15. 通过调查发现,在社区健身广场的器械组成中有大量的器械可以从事体操项目的练习。

    Through investigation and discovery , in the community composition of fitness equipment Place a large number of instruments can be engaged in gymnastic exercises .