首页 / 词典 / good


shàn liáng
  • kindness;goodness;kindhearted;good and honest;be good and honest
善良 [shàn liáng]
  • [kindhearted;be good and honest] 纯真温厚,没有恶意

  • 心地善良

  • 善良的人们

善良[shàn liáng]
  1. 我是个善良而诚实美丽的中国女人。

    I am a good and honest beautiful Chinese woman .

  2. 因为我父亲也是一个非常善良的人。

    Since my father is a good and honest person .

  3. 他外表冷漠,心地却十分善良。

    Beneath his gruff exterior , he 's really very kind-hearted .

  4. 她的善良使我重新燃起了对人性的信心。

    Her kindness has restored my faith in human nature .

  5. 他的房东太太心地善良,待人亲切。

    His landlady was a kind , homely woman .

  6. 这样的善心使人又一次感到人性善良。

    Such kindness restores your faith in human nature .

  7. 她是一位善良的充满母爱的女人。

    She was a kind , motherly woman .

  8. 相信我,约翰绝非善良之辈。

    John is no angel , believe me .

  9. 她母亲是个心地善良的女人。

    Her mother was a lovely woman .

  10. 她看上去可能严厉,其实心地非常善良。

    She can seem stern , but deep down she 's a very kind person .

  11. 她有一颗善良的心。

    She has a kind heart .

  12. 她显然非常善良。

    Her goodness shone through .

  13. 像这类电影的一贯结局一样,善良战胜了邪恶。

    As is usual in this kind of movie , good triumphs over evil in the end .

  14. 他是个苛刻的批评家,但却是个非常善良的人。

    He was a stern critic but an extremely kindly man .

  15. 我爱上他,是因为他秉性善良。

    I fell in love with him because of his kind nature

  16. 她心地善良,但却工于心计。

    She 's got a good heart but she 's calculating .

  17. 他是个热情、大方、善良的人。

    He was a warm , generous and kind-hearted man .

  18. 很多人认为她是个非常善良的女人。

    Lots of people know her as a very kind woman

  19. 他们现在开始意识到那些心地善良的陌生人帮了他们多大的忙。

    They are now realising just how much they owe to kind-hearted strangers

  20. 她坚信人的本性是善良诚实的。

    She had an unshakeable faith in human goodness and natural honesty .

  21. 他粗暴的外表下藏着一颗非常善良的心。

    His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts .

  22. 她本可以轻易地证实自己纯真善良的品性。

    She could have established her own innocence and virtue easily enough .

  23. 那里的大多数人都是吃苦耐劳、心地善良的工人阶级。

    Most of the people there are salt-of-the-earth , good , working-class people .

  24. 女舍监人很善良,但做事干脆利落、风风火火。

    Matron was quite kind but brisk and hurried .

  25. 每个人对她来说都善良得不可思议。

    Everyone seemed to her to be amazingly kind .

  26. 他依然相信人是善良的。

    He retains a faith in human goodness .

  27. 她是个心地善良、整天乐呵呵的女人。

    She was a jolly , kindhearted woman .

  28. 她个性善良友好。

    She has such a kind , friendly personality

  29. 她宛如善良和高贵的化身。

    She seemed to personify goodness and nobility

  30. 她们自称是善良的女巫。

    They claim to be white witches .