
  • 网络Commercial Search;Commerce Search
  1. 基于文本检索的成熟技术来解决图像检索的问题已经取得了很大成功,像Google和Baidu等商业搜索引擎都已推出了自己的基于文本的图像检索服务。

    Due to the great success of text-based image retrieval , commercial search engines like Google and Baidu , have also introduced their own text-based image retrieval systems .

  2. 有许多选择可用:您可以将一个Google工具连接到您的网络中,购买Endeca或其他大型商业搜索产品,或者尝试Lucene。

    Many options are available : You can connect a Google appliance to your network , purchase Endeca or another large-scale commercial search product , or try Lucene .

  3. 未来图书馆信息服务的新模式&与商业搜索引擎联姻

    The New Mode of Library Information Services & Cooperate with the Commercial Search Engines

  4. 意大利商业搜索引擎,商业目录,商业黄页。

    Italian Business , Italian Marketplace , Italian Companies , Italian Yellow Pages , Italian Business Directory .

  5. 最后,按照商业搜索引擎的业务要求,本文作者采用相关标准对本模块进行了测试,证明了它的有效性和实用性。

    At the end , according to business requirements of commercial search engine , the author tested the module under relevant testing protocols .

  6. 在实验中,我们使用某商业搜索引擎的查询点击数据,抽取影响网页排序的特征集合,构造实验所需的数据集。

    In the experiments , we use the click-through log data from a commercial search engine , extract rank-related features and set up datasets .

  7. 多数商业搜索引擎提供的信息检索服务,由于侧重通用性而不能满足不同背景、不同目的用户的查询请求。

    Due to stressing on universality , the information retrieval services provided by most commercial search engines cannot give satisfactory results for queries from customers with different background and intention .

  8. 商业搜索引擎不得不采取有效的措施,来减少搜索引擎作弊的不良影响。目前基于信任或非信任传播的链接反作弊算法被广泛用于抵抗搜索引擎作弊行为。

    Commercial search engines have to take measures to eliminate the negative effect of spam . Recently , anti-spam algorithms based on trust or distrust propagation is widely used to combat Web spam .

  9. 有些商业搜索引擎利用论坛数据来改善搜索结果的质量,还有些研究试图从论坛数据中挖掘有用的信息。

    Some commercial search engines have begun to leverage information from forums to improve the quality of search results , and it is also noticed that some recent research efforts have tried to mine forum data to find out useful information .

  10. 一种新型面向商业领域搜索引擎的设计与实现

    A new design and implementation of search engine oriented business

  11. 设计了一种面向商业领域搜索引擎的系统架构,并着重对索引部分的设计与实现进行了详细的分析。

    We design an architecture adapt to search engine oriented business , and analyse design and implementation of the index part .

  12. 其它主流的商业图像搜索引擎具有与上面所示类似的表现,因为它们所使用的搜索原理基本上是一样的。

    Other mainstream commercial image search engines have similar performance as shown in above because the principles behind them are quite the same .

  13. 雅虎的经理们说,公司还没有视频显示或商业化搜索广告的计划,也不准备在未来推出商业化搜索。

    While Yahoo has no plans for display or commercial search ads yet , the company hasn 't ruled out commercial search in the future , Yahoo executives said at the trade show .

  14. 在信息高速发展的今天,海量的信息资源、良莠不齐的信息内容和商业通用搜索引擎的竞价排名,给快速精确查找所需信息造成了一定困难和干扰。

    With the rapid development of Information Society , masses of information resources , both good and bad information content and bid ranking in general commercial search engines makes it difficult to find required information quickly and accurately .

  15. 本文通过分析传统搜索引擎技术不能满足商业领域搜索要求的灵活排序、特殊单字段搜索等需求,提出用新的索引结构和查询算法构建面向商业的搜索引擎系统并予以实现。

    Traditional search engine technologies can not meet the requirements of flexible sort , special stand-alone field search and other requirements that business field search needs , so we put forward a new index structure and a query algorithm to construct a business search engine system .

  16. 一种面向商业领域的搜索引擎索引结构设计及实现

    Design and Realization of the Index Structure of a Business-Field-Oriented Search Engine

  17. 正式协议中还包含了这样一个主题:阐明了公司对民主化搜索的渴望,希望创造一个不提供商业利益的搜索引擎。

    Also contained in the formal agreement is text explaining the company 's desires to democratize search , and create a search engine that doesn 't serve commercial interests .

  18. 这么看来,5至20美元的信用额正是对熟悉新的商业渠道或搜索引擎所耗时间的合理补偿。

    Seen in this light , a credit of $ 5 to $ 20 may be fair compensation for the time lost in switching to a new merchant portal or search engine .

  19. 目前(两家公司)主要的商业战场在于在线搜索广告。此领域几乎被互联网之王Google公司,创造并把持着。

    The major battle is for online search advertising , which the Internet king all but created and dominates .

  20. 在这样的大环境下,网络上出现了很多商业性的web搜索引擎,如Google、百度、sougo等,他们极大的方便了网络用户。

    In this environment , the network appeared on a number of commercial web search engines such as Google , Baidu , sougo and so on . They greatly facilitate the users .