
  • 网络commercial real estate;commercial property
  1. 尤其是对于S、T、P营销战略理论在商业房地产市场中的运用,还处于摸索和研究的阶段。

    Especially the use of STP strategic theory in commercial real estate is still at the stage of learning and research .

  2. AHP与模糊综合评价相结合的商业房地产项目融资风险评价

    Use AHP and Fuzzy Comprehensive to Appraise the Project Financing Risk of Commercial Real Estate

  3. GH公司商业房地产发展战略研究

    The Research on Commercial Real Estate Development Strategy of GH Company

  4. 机构投资者再度热衷于银行参与贷款、盟约亮点公司债券、具有国外背景的资产担保证券(asset-backedsecurity)以及各种形式的商业房地产。

    Institutional investors are keen again on bank loan participations , covenant-light corporate debt , exotic asset-backed securities , and all manner of commercial real estate .

  5. SOHO尚都事件的发生,引起了国内学者对SOHO中国的商业房地产开发运营模式的质疑。

    The SOHO Shangdu incident made the domestic scholars question SOHO China 's commercial real estate development business mode .

  6. 自90年代中期,互联网和数据库技术使得商业房地产随着其他的B2B和B2C的业务步伐涌向电子商务。

    Empowered by Internet and database technology , commercial real estate has developed e-business since mid 1990s following the business step of B2B and B2C .

  7. 中国最成功的民营房地产开发商之一SOHO中国(SOHOChina)的首席执行官张欣认为,商业房地产领域的大量浪费性投资,已经削弱了中国的长期增长前景。

    Zhang Xin , chief executive of Soho China , one of the country 's most successful privately owned developers , believes that rampant wasteful investment in commercial property has already undermined China 's long-term prospects .

  8. 当时担任这家银行集团首席执行官的约翰•里德(JohnReed)寻求应对让该行濒临崩溃的商业房地产危机,他做出了几番尝试才实现了拯救花旗的变革。

    When John Reed , then chief executive of the banking group , sought to tackle a crisis in commercial real estate that took the company to the brink of collapse , he needed several goes to make the changes that saved it .

  9. 因担心香港银行体系面临的风险,香港金融管理局(hkma)已实施其它一些技术性更强的措施来给住宅和商业房地产市场降温。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority had already implemented other more technical damping measures to cool residential and commercial property because of concerns about risks to the local banking system .

  10. 而当前我国商业房地产已经得到了迅速的发展,具有持续收益能力的商用物业在未来将得到重视,如写字楼、工业房产、购物中心等,这将构成发展权益型REITs的产业基础。

    At present , commercial real estate that can bring continued income has been developed rapidly , such as Office buildings , industrial properties , shopping centers , etc , which is the industrial base of equity REITs .

  11. 现在全美国的购物中心平均空铺率高达8.4%,是商业房地产研究公司REIS十年以来收集到的最高水平数据。

    Nationwide , mall vacancy rates hover at8.4 % , their highest level since commercial real estate research firm REIS started collecting the data almost a decade ago .

  12. 尽管在接下来的几年里商业房地产将面临巨大的挑战,但长远地看,Berkadia将拥有可观的发展机会。

    Though commercial real estate will face major problems in the next few years , long-term opportunities for Berkadia are significant .

  13. Synovus财务公司在经济繁荣时期卷入商业房地产贷款,估计大约三分之二都已亏损,亚特兰大区尤其严重。

    About two-thirds of the estimated losses are from commercial real-estate loans , which Synovus barreled into when the economy was booming , especially in the Atlanta area .

  14. 房地产服务和资产管理集团仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)称,今年上半年,亚太地区商业房地产投资额上升14%,达540亿美元,其中一半包含跨境交易。

    In the first half of this year , commercial real estate investment in the Asia-Pacific region rose 14 per cent to $ 54bn , of which half comprised cross-border transactions , according to Jones Lang LaSalle , the real estate services and asset management group .

  15. 除了出售公司股权,雷曼还在考虑部分或整体出售400亿美元陷于麻烦的商业房地产组合,或是出售旗下的资产管理子公司(包括NeubergerBerman)。

    In addition to selling a stake in the company , Lehman is considering selling all or part of its troubled $ 40bn commercial real estate portfolio or its asset management arm , which includes Neuberger Berman .

  16. 尽管银行不可避免诸如CMBSs交易债券的损失,但银行很可能慢慢减记商业房地产贷款。

    Although they have had to take the hit on traded securities , like CMBSs , banks are usually slow to write down property-related loans .

  17. 但此后不久,商业房地产市场和住宅房地产市场衰退。

    But soon afterwards the commercial - and residential-property markets faltered .

  18. 空间市场视角下商业房地产研究回顾

    Study Review on Commercial Real Estate Based on Perspective of Space Market

  19. 西安地铁建设对商业房地产的影响研究

    Research on Effect of Subway on Commercial Real Estate Value in Xi'an

  20. 商业房地产项目融资风险的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Appraisal of Financing Risk in Commercial Real Estate

  21. 运营期融资主要是针对商业房地产项目而成立。

    Commercial projects need to be financed in operation period .

  22. 商业房地产也需要引入后评价体系

    Post-Appraisal System also needs to be Introduced into the Commercial Real Estate

  23. 基于实物期权方法的商业房地产投资决策研究

    A Study on Decision of Commercial Real Estate Based on Real Options

  24. 商业房地产市场正在尾随住宅房地产市场直线下降。

    Commercial property is following the residential market into freefall .

  25. 商业房地产开发集成化供应链管理绩效评价

    The performance evaluation by commercial real estate integrated item supply chain management

  26. 商业房地产项目多维定位的理论借鉴

    The summary on the positioning theory of commercial real estate in multi-dimension sphere

  27. 不过,商业房地产衍生品却正在取得进展。

    Commercial-property derivatives , however , are gaining ground .

  28. 商业房地产和品牌权益将会下跌。

    Commercial real estate and brand equities will decline .

  29. 期望对商业房地产在营销策划方面提供一些指导。

    It hops to provide some guidance to commercial real estate marketing plan .

  30. 因此,商业房地产专业将指导规划和建设项目。

    Therefore , commercial real estate professional will guide the planning and construction projects .