
  1. 凯茜在唱情歌的时候,你能感觉到她没有这方面的体验。

    When Cathy sings about love , you feel that she 's singing about something outside her experience .

  2. 黎族青年喜欢唱情歌。

    The Li nation youth are found of love songs .

  3. 一个人唱情歌,一个人唱寂寞。

    A man singing love songs , sing a lonely .

  4. 让我想对你唱情歌。

    You make a brother wanna sing to you .

  5. 这是情人节,所以要唱情歌

    It 's a Valentine 's Day theme . They 're playing love songs . 

  6. 嗯,他唱情歌吗?

    Does he sing love songs ?

  7. 唱情歌是情人们表达爱意的一种形式,有时男性会籍著唱情歌向爱人求婚,尤其在情人节这种有意义的日子,更为常见。

    Singing love songs to express love is for lovers , sometimes a form of male membership to propose the sing love songs lover , especially in valentine 's day this meaningful day , more common .

  8. 周末他们在公寓里互唱情歌庆祝,向家人朋友还有记者公开了他们的恋情。在他们第一次相遇的61年后,84岁的约翰梅斯和91岁的理查德多尔在同年六月举行了一个安静的结婚仪式。

    The couple celebrated by showing family , friends , and reporters their relationship by spending the weekend performing love songs in their apartment.Sixty-one years after their paths first crossed , John Mace , 84 , and Richard Dorr , 91 , wed in a quiet ceremony in June 2011 .

  9. 那母亲唱着情歌来表示回答,随又转过头来。

    Replied the mother , continuing her romance , then she turned her head .

  10. 主持人也觉得通过这次接触,发现她其实很爽朗,或许是她之前唱过的情歌的关系,导致大家有那样的想法。

    Through interactions with Winnie in this TV show , the hosts also felt that she is actually very cheerful .

  11. 我想让孩子们唱几首情歌,所以我们正在准备几首配合情人节气氛的经典情歌。

    My assignment to the kids is to have them perform love songs , so we 're doing some fun classics that are Valentines-y.

  12. 我的道路是在充满阳光的草场上的,玫瑰为我开着芳香的花朵,山鸟和画眉为我唱欢乐的情歌。

    My path lies through the sunlit meadows , the sweetest roses bloom for my gathering , and the blackbirds and thrushes await my coming to pour forth their most joyous lays .

  13. 那些旧日跟唱过的旧情歌。

    It was songs of love that I would sing to them .

  14. 山姆唱了一首情歌让他女友惊讶万分。

    Sam amazed his girlfriend with a love song .

  15. 唱过这么多情歌,那么自己是怎样看待爱情的?

    Having sung so many love songs , how do you view love ?

  16. 鸟儿高处在树上,对著云儿唱著他们的情歌。

    Birds high up on the trees , serenade the clouds with their melodies .

  17. 鸟儿伴着飞瀑唱起婉转的情歌。

    Melodious birds sing madrigals .

  18. 我们依傍岩石席地而坐,看牧羊人守望羊群悠然自得,在那清澈的溪涧旁边,鸟儿伴着飞瀑唱起婉转的情歌。

    And we will sit upon rocks , Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks , By shallow rivers to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals .