
Progressing with the times : a requirement and a realization of the world 's view in dialectic materialism
From Marx and Engles ' definition the character of Marxism philosophy is clear , that is , Marxism philosophy is the philosophical sublation on the modern view of materialism .
Its main task , not only accumulate professional knowledge of the graduate students , develop intelligence and ability of the graduate students , but nurture the graduate world outlook of dialectical materialism and socialism quality of research ethics .
Our main experience : In teaching material innovation we must stick to the criteria of the dialectical materialist world outlook of training ~ # objecfives , of intelligence , of modernization and acceptability , and of making foreign things serve China .
Positive education and guide to college students must be strengthened in order to acquire atheistical world outlook of materialism .
Huang Nansen , with an important influence on this field , still regarded the Marxist philosophy as a scientific world outlook of dialectical materialism .
Education of " three outlooks " & dialectic materialism and historic materialism , life concept , and value concept for youth students , is not only the key part of the ideological education for students , but also a significant component of school 's moral building work .