
zhé xué zá zhì
  • philosophical magazine
  1. 哲学杂志,C辑:哲学杂志通讯。

    Philosophical Magazine , Part C : Philosophical Magazine Letters .

  2. 哲学杂志,A辑:缺陷与力学特性。

    Philosophical Magazine , Part A : Defects & Mechanical Properties .

  3. 这会被叫做哲学杂志,和科学期刊。

    It 's called Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science .

  4. 英国科学哲学杂志

    The British Journal for the philosophy of Science

  5. 如果你去读读1911年哲学杂志的的669页,你将看到卢瑟福的模型就和这展示的一样。

    So , if you go and read Phil Mag669-1911 , you 'll see Rutherford 's model as it 's presented .

  6. 最近出版的设计哲学论文电子杂志也将设计教育作为它的一个主题。

    A recent edition of the web-based journal Design Philosophy Papers similarly took design education as one of its themes .

  7. 黑格尔大学毕业后在瑞士和法兰克福担任多年家庭教师,1801年任耶拿大学讲师,此期间曾与别人合办过《哲学评论》杂志。

    Hegel after graduating from college in Switzerland and Frankfurt family of teachers for many years , in 1801 the University of Jena . During this with others organized the " Philosophical Review " magazine .

  8. 手工检索《中国临床康复》《医学与哲学》和《哲学研究》等杂志1999-01/2005-12期间的相关文献,限定文章语言种类为中文,检索词青少年、异常心理、意向性,病理机制。

    Meanwhile , we manually searched Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation , Medicine and Philosophy , Philosophy and other journals for related articles in Chinese between January 1990 and December 2005 with the key words of " teen-agers , abnormal mind , intentionality , pathological mechanism " .