
  • 网络harrisburg;Harrisburg, Pa;Hershey
  1. 向交会在营柯廷,哈里斯堡,在那里成为B公司的

    To the rendezvous at Camp Curtin , Harrisburg , where it became Company B of the

  2. 弗吉尼亚州哈里斯堡的一个酒吧给一个特定阵营的精灵宝可梦Go玩家打九折,旧金山日本城的一家茶馆推出了面向精灵宝可梦Go玩家的“买一赠一”活动。

    A bar in Harrisburg , Virginia , was offering a 10 percent discount to " Pok é mon Go " players on a specific team , while a tea shop in Japantown in San Francisco offered a " buy one tea , get one free " deal to Pok é mon Go players .

  3. 在哈里斯堡的WITF成员站,玛丽·威尔逊发来的报道。

    From member station WITF in Harrisburg , Mary Wilson has details .

  4. 是啊他昨晚从哈里斯堡回来的

    Yeah , he got in from Harrisburg last night .

  5. 我也是我在哈里斯堡换的车

    Yeah , me neither . I had to change in Harrisburg .

  6. 你现在直接听命于总统立刻移师哈里斯堡迎战杰克逊部

    You are therefore directed by the President to move against Jackson at Harrisonburg .

  7. 哈里斯堡科技大学已经废除了终身职位并合并了学术部门。

    The Harrisburg University of Science and Technology has abolished tenure and merged academic departments .

  8. 在密苏里州哈里斯堡的哈里斯堡高中,我们这里有公牛狗。

    At Harrisburg High School in Harrisburg , Missouri , we 've got the bull dogs .

  9. 速度限制也影响宾夕法尼亚哈里斯堡和费城之间的部分关键走廊。

    Speed restrictions are also effecting on parts of keystone corridors between Harrisburg Pennsylvania and Philadelphia .

  10. 昨天晚上我驾车从哈里斯堡驶往宾西法尼亚州的刘易斯堡,路程约为80英里。

    Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg , Pa. , a distance of about eighty miles .

  11. 总统周六将在宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡出席一个集会活动,就这100天的政绩发表演讲。

    And the president attend a rally in Harrisburg , Pennsylvania , on Saturday to talk about his accomplishments .

  12. 三年前,我和同事在宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡启动了一个旨在改善医患沟通的项目。

    Three years ago , my colleagues and I started a program in Harrisburg designed to improve doctors ' communication with their patients .

  13. 我在哈里斯堡第一次过圣诞节时,在圣诞树下和其他家庭成员一样,我也有一份礼物。

    When I went to Harrisburg to spend my first Christmas , I had gifts under the Christmas tree just like other family members .

  14. 总体而言,哈里斯堡及周边人口中,有近三分之一没有医疗保险,而宾夕法尼亚州其他地区的这一比例则约为十分之一。

    Over all , nearly a third of people around Harrisburg are uninsured , compared with about one in 10 for the rest of Pennsylvania .

  15. 的独立性的重要意义,然而,后来的大学期间,我早期的大部分时间里,在18岁或19岁的时候我住的学生在我自己在宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡公寓的年龄。

    The significance of independence , however , came much later during my early years of college ; at the age of18 or19 when I was living on my own as student in an apartment in Harrisburg , Pennsylvania .

  16. 比如宾州首府哈里斯堡今年之所以进入破产管理程序,是因为这个城市投资建设了一个昂贵的垃圾焚烧厂项目,最终这个项目烧掉的钱要远远多于它烧掉的垃圾,导致它无力偿还相关债务。

    For example , the city of Harrisburg , Pa. , was put into state receivership this year after the city struggled to pay off debts associated with an expensive trash incinerator project that ended up burning up more cash than garbage .