
  • Hello;Harrow;Haro;Harlow
哈罗 [hā luo]
  • [hello] 用在熟人之间表示问候,或在电话上回答对方,或表示惊讶

  1. 创建于1572年的哈罗公学(HarrowSchool)男生毕业时在学校食堂举行“离校生宴会”,佩戴黑色领带,携父母一同出席。

    Instead , at Harrow School , founded in1572 , graduating boys have a black-tie'Leavers Feast'with their parents in the school dining hall .

  2. 哈罗公学在北京还有一所分校,达利奇学院(dulwichcollege)在中国拥有三所分校,并计划开设更多分校,而其它英国学校正首次进入海外市场。

    Harrow has another school in Beijing and Dulwich College has three in China and plans more , while other British schools are entering the overseas market for the first time .

  3. 这里的人民都很友好,灿然微笑着和我打招呼,说“哈罗”和“萨拉姆”。

    And the people were so very friendly : full of huge beaming smiles , calling out " hello " and " salaam " .

  4. 哈罗哇Jackson欢迎你的到来这是你第一次来我们节目

    Well , hello , and this is , Welcome Jackson , this is your first time here .

  5. 查尔斯王子在哈罗兹附近的山丘小屋(hillhouse)预备学校就读时,成为第一个与杰出平民共用一间教室的王位继承人。

    Prince Charles was the first heir to the throne to share a classroom with the great untitled when he attended hill house , a preparatory school near Harrods .

  6. 而据该校最新数字显示,曼谷哈罗分校的比例只有47%&略低于英国私立学校委员会(IndependentSchoolsCouncil)成员校50.5%的平均水平。

    At Harrow Bangkok it was only 47 per cent , according to the school 's latest figures – slightly below the 50.5 per cent average for members of Britain 's Independent Schools Council .

  7. 在量子力学中,由阿哈罗诺夫和玻姆提出的AB效应表明,物质的客观实在性并不一定体现在物质本身的变换不变性上,而是体现在物质本身的同一逻辑蕴涵效应具有不变性。

    In view of AB effect , the objective reality is not the gauge invariance in matter itself , but the invariance of the same logic implication in matter itself .

  8. 例如,曼谷和北京都各有一所哈罗分校,这两所加盟分校的老板是华裔商人danielchiu。

    There is , for example , a harrow international Bangkok and a harrow International Beijing , in a franchise owned by Daniel Chiu , a Chinese businessman .

  9. 家里仍有用于留学的钱。刘特佐在伦敦古老的精英学校哈罗公学(HarrowSchool)就读时,与纳吉布的继子阿齐兹成了朋友。阿齐兹当时在伦敦政治经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)学习。

    There was money for education abroad , and in London , while attending the ancient and elite Harrow school , Mr. Low became friends with Mr. Najib 's stepson , Mr. Aziz , who was studying at the London School of Economics .

  10. 哈罗校长巴纳比勒诺(barnabylenon)表示,两所学校的年利润加起来“毫无疑问是6位数”。

    Barnaby Lenon , headmaster of harrow , says the fee comes to " certainly six figures " in annual earnings from the two schools combined .

  11. 首届划船比赛于1829年在牛津郡泰晤士河的亨利街(Henley)举行。这个主意来自剑桥学生查理斯?梅里瓦尔和他同样来自哈罗区的牛津大学的同学查理斯?沃兹沃斯(诗人威廉的侄子)。

    The first boat race took place in 1829 on the River Thames at Henley in Oxfordshire and was the culmination of an idea of Charles Merivale , a Cambridge student , and his Harrow schoolmate Charles Wordsworth ( nephew of poet William ), at Oxford .

  12. 康伯巴奇生于伦敦,父母都是演员——父亲是蒂莫西·卡尔顿(TimothyCarlton),母亲是旺达·文瑟姆(WandaVentham)。他在哈罗公学(著名私立男校,与另一著名私立学校伊顿公学名声不相上下——译注)上高中时演出了第一个重要角色。

    He was born in London , to parents who were in the business - the actors Wanda Ventham and Timothy Carlton - and had his first substantial part in high school at Harrow , the famous boys ' boarding school that is the Yale to Eton 's Harvard .

  13. 我们手中有敖哈罗的功夫示范片。

    We got our hands on a demonstration film of oharra .

  14. 赫比格-哈罗天体高分辨观测研究进展

    Progress in Observational Studies with High Spatial Resolution on Herbig-Haro Objects

  15. 哈罗.你可以帮我接到分机1吗?

    Hello . ( Can you connect me to extension I ?)

  16. 哈罗!狄恩先生,您又再度来访了。是吗?

    Hello , Mr. dean . Visiting again , are you ?

  17. 苏:哈罗,吴太太。我是苏。泰德在家吗?

    Sue : Hello , Mrs. Wu . Is Ted there ?

  18. 哈罗得挥金如土,没有一点积蓄。

    Harold spends money like water , and has no savings .

  19. 又来了,一直抱怨那只哈罗小狗。

    Here we go , still whining about a hello doggy .

  20. 哈罗,你怎不告诉我,你今晚上电视啊。

    You 've been hiding things . you 're on TV tonight .

  21. 哈罗,亲爱的,卡萨玲用一种勉强的声调说。

    " Hullo , darling ," Catherine said in a strained voice .

  22. 请看博比哈罗带给我们的详细报道。

    Poppy Harlow has the details on this for us .

  23. 我在哈罗公学时,老是替他跑腿做事。

    I used to fag for him when I was at harrow .

  24. 哈罗,很抱歉恁地晚还打电话打扰。

    Hello , I 'm sorry for calling this late .

  25. 哈罗公学在北京和曼谷分别有一所分校。

    Harrow has one in Beijing and one in Bangkok .

  26. 哈罗,高黑帅先生!

    Hello , Mr. Tall , Dark , and Handsome !

  27. 哈罗,卡哈纳。很高兴再见到你。

    Hello , kahuna . I 'm so happy to see you again .

  28. 伊顿和哈罗是英国最有名的两所私立学校。

    Eton and Harrow are two of England 's most famous public schools .

  29. 我肯定哈罗会有办法的。

    I 'm sure Harry will find a solution .

  30. 对不那么亲密的人际关系,说哈罗和再见通常很轻松。

    For not-so-intimate relationship , it 's always easy to say H & G.