
  • 网络Bromley;Daniel W.Bromley
  1. 住在伦敦的布罗姆利自治市的哈里.巴里特就经历了此事。

    That 's what happened to Harry Barritt of London 's Bromley borough .

  2. 该地区大选候选人、绿党(Greenparty)发言人汤姆•钱斯(TomChance)表示:“布罗姆利区和大伦敦政府应该停止折腾千奇百怪的地产项目,让中融集团卷铺盖走人。”

    Tom Chance , Green party spokesman and general election candidate for the area , said : " Bromley and the GLA need to stop messing around with fantasy projects and send the Zhongrong Group packing . "

  3. 随着最后期限已过,布罗姆利区地方议会领导人斯蒂芬•卡尔(StephenCarr)表示,该议会将研究其它选择。

    With that deadline now past , Stephen Carr , leader of Bromley Council , said the council would be looking at other options .

  4. 布罗姆利区议会的保守党议员斯蒂芬愠尔(StephenCarr)表示,在没有得到规划许可情况下推进项目将是“极大的冒险”。

    Stephen Carr , Conservative councillor for Bromley , said it would have been a " huge leap of faith " to proceed without planning consent .

  5. 但布罗姆利区地方议会(BromleyCouncil)称其得出结论认为:“不存在达成协议的现实前景”,将研究其他选择。

    But Bromley council said it had concluded " there was not a realistic prospect of reaching agreement " and it would be looking at other options .

  6. 拥有水晶宫原址土地控制权的布罗姆利区地方议会(BromleyCouncil)表示,仍在继续与中融集团开展保密磋商。不过,如今“如果有人提出”对该地段的任何其他开发方案,他们也会“认真听取”。

    Bromley council , which controls the land , said that confidential discussions with the Zhongrong group were continuing but they would now " listen if approached " to any other development proposals for the site .

  7. 站起来,詹姆斯·迪瓦斯,布罗姆利法官说。

    ' Stand up , James Device , 'Judge Bromley said .

  8. 你害死了达克沃思先生,布罗姆利法官说。

    ' You killed Mr Duckworth , 'Judge Bromley said .

  9. 你是女巫吗?布罗姆利法官问妈妈。

    ' Are you a witch ? 'Judge Bromley asked my mother .

  10. 布罗姆利法官仔细地听着。我的孩子,这是真的吗?

    Judge Bromley listened carefully . 'My child , is this the truth ? '

  11. 布罗姆利法官仔细地听着。“我的孩子,这是真的吗?”

    Judge Bromley listened carefully . 'My child , is this the truth ? '

  12. 此外,布罗姆利区议会未能就中融集团在该公园的开发范围达成一致。

    The council also failed to agree on how much of the park the ZhongRong Group would be allowed to develop .

  13. 水晶宫原址地块属于布罗姆利区地方议会所有,被指定为城市公共土地,这意味其开发要受到种种限制。

    The site is owned by Bromley council and designated as metropolitan open land , meaning there are restrictions on what can be developed .

  14. 将约翰逊推向胜利的,是大量居住在布罗姆利等伦敦繁华远郊地区的保守党选民。约翰逊曾当过记者。

    The former journalist was propelled to victory by a large turnout of Tory voters living in prosperous outer suburbs of London such as Bromley .

  15. 布罗姆利法官十分富有并且地位显赫,但是他的眼睛冰冷无情。突然,我看到了妈妈!她又脏又瘦。

    Judge Bromley was rich and important , but his eyes were cold . Suddenly , I saw my mother ! She was dirty and very thin .

  16. 市长的一位发言人表示,他依然在全身心致力于恢复水晶宫公园的面貌,并继续支持与布罗姆利区、当地社区及感兴趣的各方一道研究的各项规划。

    A spokesperson for the mayor said he remained fully committed to the regeneration of Crystal Palace Park and continues to support plans being developed with Bromley , the community and interested parties .

  17. 市长的一位发言人表示,他依然“在全身心致力于恢复水晶宫公园的面貌,并继续支持与布罗姆利区、当地社区及感兴趣的各方一道研究的各项规划”。

    A spokesperson for the mayor said he remained " fully committed to the regeneration of Crystal Palace Park and continues to support plans being developed with Bromley , the community and interested parties . "

  18. 他是一个没有名字的有钱人,而我却和女巫一起生活,过着饥寒交迫的日子。因此,我把我一家的真相告诉了布罗姆利法官。我错了吗?我不知道。

    My father was a rich man without a name , and I lived hungry and cold with a witch.And so I told Judge Bromley the truth about my family.Was I wrong ? I don 't know .

  19. 由于监狱里关着许多兰开夏郡的巫师,布罗姆利法官在那一天听取了很多人的证词。老德姆代克没有出庭,因为在法官到达之前,她已经在5月份死去了。

    Judge Bromley listened to many people on that day , because there were a lot of witches from Lan-cashire in the prison.Old Demdike was not there because she died in May , before the judge arrived .

  20. 但就像中国公认的做法一样,中融集团希望在获得规划许可和编制一份布罗姆利区议会批准的详细商业计划书之前获得土地所有权,布罗姆利区议会是该公园的地方主管当局。

    But as is the accepted practice in China , ZhongRong Group expected to take possession of the land before it had secured planning permission and ahead of producing a detailed business plan accepted by Bromley council , the local authority responsible for the park .