
  • 网络brand integration
  1. 加强品牌整合,实施差异化战略;

    Second , strengthen brand integration and implement differentiation strategy ;

  2. 品牌整合是在企业强调核心竞争能力的背景下应运而生的一种新的品牌管理方法。

    Brand integration is a new brand management method .

  3. 基于SWOT分析的拉萨旅游城市品牌整合营销传播

    Integrated Marketing Communication Based on the SWOT Analysis of the Lhasa City Tourism Brand

  4. 吉林省农产品品牌整合研究

    Studies on Brand Integration of Agricultural Products in Jilin Province

  5. 品牌整合&品牌管理的新方向

    Trademark Integration & A New Way Of Trademark 's Management

  6. 区域旅游服务品牌整合营销传播策略研究&以九色甘南香巴拉为例

    Research on the Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy of Regional Tourism Service Brand

  7. 提出了便于操作的品牌整合战略规划流程。

    Proposes the strategically planning flow for the actual operation .

  8. 提出品牌整合战略规划应先于企业第二个品牌创立的观点。

    Before establishing the second brand , enterprise should formulate the brand integration strategy plan .

  9. 论服务品牌整合营销

    Discourse Upon Integrated Marketing of Service Brand

  10. 永州异蛇酒的包装设计及其品牌整合营销策略研究

    Study on the Packaging Design and the Brand Integrated Marketing Strategy of Yongzhou Elapidae Wine

  11. 企业并购后品牌整合支持体系由内部支持体系和外部支持体系构成。

    The supporting system for brand integration comprises internal supporting system and external supporting system .

  12. 借鉴通用电气公司多因素业务经营组合模型,建立了品牌整合模型。

    Sets up the brand integration model .

  13. 如何去调整企业战略,应对新形势下的市场竞争呢?本文给出的答案是:进行品牌整合,实施单品牌战略,促进解决方案销售。

    How to adjust business strategy and face to the new situation dealing with market competition ?

  14. 黑龙江省绿色食品企业集群品牌整合现状、问题及对策

    On Brand Integration Status Quo , Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Green Food Enterprises in Heilongjiang Province

  15. 将企业能力理论和顾客导向战略结合起来,建立了品牌整合战略分析框架。

    Unified company competence theory and the customer guide strategy establishes the brand integration strategy analysis frame .

  16. 品牌整合,是影响多元化企业经营业绩的关键因素之一。

    The combining of brand is one of the key factors of influencing the pluralistic enterprise s business performance .

  17. 面对全球商业竞争和品牌整合等各种问题,没有哪个企业可以置身事外。

    Facing global business competition and brand integration and other problems , no corporate can be out of it .

  18. 本文通过博弈分析,论证绿色食品企业在竞争与合作中的博弈选择,提出提高绿色食品生产企业的整体经济利益而必然选择企业并购和品牌整合战略。

    This paper tries to analyse the choices between Competition and cooperation among Chi - na 's green food enterprises .

  19. 凸显核心价值的品牌整合传播,有利于提升品牌的市场竞争力。

    The integrated communication to protrude the core value of brand helps to promote the market competitiveness of the brand .

  20. 突出网络广告设计与制作,并形成实战性的品牌整合传播能力。

    This program attaches much importance to advertising design and creating , and forms the practical brand name spreading ability .

  21. 他说:“我刚到公司的头几周里,主要任务就是和大家开展品牌整合工作。”

    " The first few weeks I was here , " he says , " we worked on absolute brand alignment . "

  22. 品牌整合是多元化经营企业在凸显核心竞争力的背景下应运而生的一种新型品牌经营理念和品牌管理方法。

    Brand integration is a new concept and method of brand management emerged under the background of core competitiveness in diversified enterprise .

  23. 在充分调研、分析的基础上,对安徽现有的卷烟品牌整合战略,提出质疑。

    On the basis of sufficient investigation and research , the paper puts forward query on current combine strategy of cigarette brands of Anhui .

  24. 寒地黑土绿色物产品牌整合研究&以黑龙江省绥化市为例绥化市农业可持续发展的生态安全状况及对策研究

    Strategy Research on the Integration of Cold Region and Black Glebe Brands of Green Products & Taking Suihua City in Heilongjiang Province as an Example

  25. 但目前的研究工作大都集中于企业文化整合、人力资源整合、财务整合等方面,在品牌整合方面涉及较少。

    However , present research mainly focus on enterprise culture integration , human resource integration and finacial integration etc. , with a little on brand integration .

  26. 齐晓斋还表示,沃尔玛收购好又多之后,应该将两个品牌整合在一起,否则反而不利。

    But Qi also said Walmart should speed up its restructuring and assimilation of Trust-mart , otherwise the merger will have an adverse impact on the company .

  27. 本文的研究对黄山卷烟厂的健康发展和国内其他烟草企业的品牌整合和品牌营销具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。

    The research has both theoretical values and practical inspiration to the healthy development of Huangshan cigarette factory and brand integration or brand marketing in other domestic tobacco enterprises .

  28. 企业并购后的品牌整合是在复杂多变的环境中进行的,品牌整合系统是一个复杂适应系统。

    Brand integration system is a complex adaptive system in which the process of brand integration after enterprises merging and acquisition is promoted in a complicated and changeable environment .

  29. 提出通过产业政策导向,推进企业的战略性重组和品牌整合,进而提高产品和企业的市场竞争力,推动绿色食品产业持续发展的战略。

    This paper also proposes strategies to advance the strategic merge and brand combination , then to improve market competitiveness of products and enterprises , to push the sustainable development of Green Food industry .

  30. 单从包装的设计来看,同为保健酒的永州异蛇酒亦逊色得多,其包装设计未突出自身产品的个性特征和当地文化特色,更谈不上先进品牌整合营销的现代理念。

    For example , the packaging design of Yongzhou elapidae wine is not so good , because its packaging design does not highlight the individual characteristics and local cultural characteristics , let alone the modern concept of the integrated marketing of advanced brand .