
mìng mài
  • lifeblood;lifeline;life lines
命脉 [mìng mài]
  • [life lines] 指生命,血脉,比喻生死相关的事物

命脉[mìng mài]
  1. 旅游业是这座城市的命脉。

    Tourism is the lifeblood of the city .

  2. 贸易是我国的命脉。

    Trade is the lifeblood of our country .

  3. 对于这个拥有控制我们钱包权力的“政府部门”,由于经济命脉都握于其手,我们真的没有其他合理的选择了。

    As the branch of government with the power of the purse , we really have no other reasonable choice when the economy is in the shape it is in .

  4. 竞争关键客户:金融业CRM应用的命脉

    Competing for Key Customers Is a Lifeline for the Application of CRM in Finance

  5. 这次,我将向您展示如何影响Web应用程序的命脉:用于导航的URI。

    This time around , I 'll show you how to affect the lifeblood of any Web application : the URIs used for navigation .

  6. 技术:CCS发展的命脉

    Technology is the vitals for CCS development

  7. 土地是人类赖以生存的命脉,土地利用/土地覆被变化(LUCC)是研究当前全球环境变化与可持续发展的重要内容。

    Land resources are important bases for human existence . Land Use / Land Cover Change ( LUCC ) is an important content to one of the researches in global changes and sustainable development .

  8. 但不管怎样,它可能将是你整个事业的命脉。

    But it likely will be the lifeblood of your career .

  9. 如何发挥财务管理的作用关系到一个企业的命脉。

    How to develop the financial management affects the company vitally .

  10. 水资源是农业生产的命脉。

    Water resources are looked as the lifeline of agriculture production .

  11. 金融,是一个国家国民经济的命脉。

    Finance is the lifeblood of the national economy of a country .

  12. 公路和铁路是国家的命脉。

    A country 's sinews are its roads and railways .

  13. 金融是整个社会经济的核心和命脉。

    Finance is the heart and veins of the whole social economy .

  14. 水是生命之源、农业的命脉。

    Water is the origin of life and the lifeblood of agriculture .

  15. 文摘:电力是经济发展的命脉。

    Abstract : electric power is the pillar of economy .

  16. 快速的交通设备是成功企业的命脉。

    Fast communications are the lifeblood of a successful enterprise .

  17. 优质的教学质量是高等学校得以持续发展的命脉。

    High quality teaching is the key to universities ' persistent development .

  18. 有些人把网络广告称为互联网的命脉。

    Some call online ads the lifeblood of the internet .

  19. 化作生命之泉因此雪是这片寂林赖以生存的命脉

    For this reason , snow is the lifeblood of these silent forests

  20. 道路是交通运输的命脉,地域连接的纽带。

    The road is the lifeline of transportation and the geographical connection .

  21. 税收是国家的经济命脉。

    Tax revenue is the economic lifeline of the country .

  22. 水是生命的基础,城市的命脉。

    Water is necessary for life , and the foundation for city .

  23. 高等植物的命脉&维管系统之谜

    Riddle of the Vascular System & the Life Vein of Higher Plants

  24. 城市和乡村,命脉相连。

    The city and the countryside are closely linked .

  25. 旅游业是夏威夷经济的命脉。

    Tourism is the lifeblood of hawaii 's economy .

  26. 经济是命脉,政治是为其服务的。

    The economy is the lifeblood of politics , politics service for it .

  27. 能源是国民经济的命脉。

    Energy is the lifeblood of the national economy .

  28. 交通是城市的命脉。

    Transportation is the life line of the city .

  29. 基因工程的下游技术水是绿洲的命脉。

    Water is the life line of the oasis .

  30. 信息是广告公司的命脉。

    The information is very important to advertising agency .