
  • 网络Call Control;BICC;CC Call Control
  1. 基于WEBService实现Parlay呼叫控制业务系统研究

    Research on implementation of Parlay Call Control Service System Based on Web Service

  2. 阻塞呼叫控制机理广义随机Petri网建模与分析

    Modeling and analysis of blocking call control scheme using Generalized Stochastic Petri Networks

  3. SIP协议采用客户端/服务器结构的消息机制,系统的终端比较智能化,提供呼叫控制信息。

    SIP protocol has client / server message mechanism structure and intelligent terminal system .

  4. 基于SIP代理服务器的智能呼叫控制

    Intelligent Call Control Based on SIP Proxy

  5. 一种企业网内VoIP的呼叫控制协议

    A Call Control Protocol of VoIP in Intranet

  6. SIP是近年来快速发展的一种应用在通信呼叫控制领域的协议,它起源于Internet领域,对通信网络的架构产生了重大的影响。

    SIP is a session control protocol emerges in recent years , which origin from internet domain and has a deep impact on telecommunication architecture .

  7. 例如,这使得在提供呼叫控制功能时,在支持Java电话API的设备上能够使用此API。

    For example it makes logical sense to use the Java Telephone API with devices that support it when providing such features as call control .

  8. 它采用SIP(sessioninitiationprotocol,会话初始化协议)体系,将业务、呼叫控制和承载分离,具有通信与接入方式无关的特性。

    The system uses session initiation protocol architecture which makes operation , call control , bearing apart , it has irrelevant ways of connecting .

  9. 分析了ParlayAPI(应用编程接口)的会议呼叫控制业务能力;

    Conference call control service capability feature of Parlay API ( Application Programming Interface ) is analyzed .

  10. 基于Parlay呼叫控制业务的分析与实现

    Analysis and Implementation of Parlay-Based Call Control Service

  11. TETRA系统中呼叫控制过程的设计

    Design of TETRA Call Control Process

  12. 网守是IP电话的管理设备,具有地址翻译、呼叫控制接纳等功能,在多媒体通信中起着重要作用。

    Gatekeeper , the intelligence component in the IP net , lays an important role in the multimedia communication , which can accomplish address translation , call admission , call control services , etc.

  13. 下一代电信网是基于IP的网络,SS7及呼叫控制原理是软交换控制系统的重要组成部分。

    The next generation telecommunication networks will be based on IP.SS7 and the fundamental of call control are main components of softswitch control system .

  14. 对新的IP电话网从呼叫控制、通话建立、QoS和编译码、计费方面进行了介绍,并对IP国际电话、呼叫中心及新推出的服务进行了说明。

    New IP phone network is described around call control , call connection , QoS , coding and decoding , accounting . International IP phone , call center and new service are explained .

  15. 本文还完成了这种分布式智能网的呼叫控制层与传统公共交换电话网(PSTN)互连所需的IN/CORBA网关的设计和实现。

    Also , the implementation of the IN / CORBA gateway required by the connection between the distributed IN and the traditional PSTN is given .

  16. 提出了一种对DS-CDMA蜂窝网络的呼叫控制机制进行分析的数学模型。

    In this paper , we propose a mathematical model to analyze call admission control schemes for a DS-CDMA cellular network .

  17. 基于此,本文对DMR通信协议的呼叫控制层进行了分析和研究。

    The paper made a closed study and analysis about call-controlling layer of the DMR communication protocol .

  18. 该业务接口主要为满足第三方客户对统一通信平台的语音呼叫控制、IM控制、批量用户信息处理以及用户状态管理等功能的需求。

    The service interface is mainly to meet the voice call control , IM control , batch user information process , user statment management and other functions for third party customers .

  19. 用户交互模块使用Qt实现;呼叫控制模块具有底层信令无关性;协议适配层实现了业务与信令的分离。

    User interaction module is implemented with Qt ; all control module is independent of the underlying protocol ; protocol adaptation layer achieves the separation of business and signaling .

  20. 该文以C2构架风格在电话交换机呼叫控制模块中的应用为例,提出了用该风格实现通信软件动态演化的一种方法。

    In this thesis we provide a method by giving an example of applying the C2 architecture style to the call control module in the telephone exchange .

  21. PSTN网络一般采用ISDN的1号数字用户信令DSS1,IP网络内采用SIP协议进行呼叫控制。

    Signalling in PSTN network is usually Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. 1 ( DSS1 ) of ISDN , and SIP protocol controls the session in IP network .

  22. 被呼数据终端设备(DTE)发送出来的一种呼叫控制信号,用以表示它接受呼叫方的呼叫。

    A call control signal sent by the called DTE to indicate that it accepts the incoming call .

  23. 基于PNNI和UNI4.0信令规范的多点间呼叫控制的研究

    Study on multipoint to multipoint call control based on PNNI and UNI 4 0 signaling specifications

  24. 论文最后详细描述了基于MGCP协议的呼叫控制模块的设计实现。

    Finally in this paper we detailedly depict the realization of the call control model based on the MGCP protocol .

  25. 通过比较VoIP两种主要协议H.323和SIP的优缺点,确定采用SIP作为注册、路由更新与呼叫控制协议。

    And the paper compares the advantage and disadvantage of the two main VoIP protocols : H.323 and SIP , then choose the SIP protocol as the login , router update and call control protocol .

  26. 提供呼叫控制业务能力的ParlayCCSCS要支撑业务运营商开发的增值业务,则需要提供电信运营级的可靠性和容错能力。

    In order to support value-added services developed by service providers based on Parlay CC SCS that supplies call control service function , carrier grade reliability and fault-tolerance capability must be supplied .

  27. 但是由于SIP协议在呼叫控制过程中所具有的不同于其它协议的特点,使得目前通用的负载均衡技术并不完全适用于基于SIP协议的负载均衡系统。

    However , due to SIP protocol has features different from other protocols in the call controlling process , so the load balancing technology currently used does not completely applicable to load balancing system based on SIP protocol .

  28. SLEE容器适用于各种面向消息事件的应用程序,例如呼叫控制、多媒体会议、IP电话服务、分布式交互模拟/监控/控制等。

    SLEE container is suitable for a variety of message-oriented events in applications such as call control , multimedia conferencing , IP telephony services , distributed interactive simulation , monitoring and control .

  29. 基于广义随机Petri网(GSPN),对数字交换机面临过载时的一种阻塞呼叫控制机理进行了描述与分析,建立了其广义随机Petri网模型。

    Based on Generalized Stochastic Petri Net ( GSPN ), a blocking call control scheme , when digital exchanges facing overload , is described and analyzed . The GPSN model of the exchanges is built .

  30. 文章从移动软交换的概念与WCDMA核心网体系结构、呼叫控制功能分析、呼叫控制模块分析与实现三个方面展开了深入的研究。

    The conception of mobile soft switch and three main parts : WCDMA core network system architecture , call control module function analysis , call control module analysis and realization are intensively researched in this paper .