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  1. 他的新电影本周在纽约首映。

    His new movie premieres in New York this week .

  2. 咱们去看电影吧,本周在上映一部好片子。

    Let 's go to the cinema ─ there 's a good film on this week .

  3. 英国服装设计师阿瑙斯卡·亨普尔本周在纽约出席豪华晚宴时大受追捧。

    Anouska Hempel , the British dress designer , was feted in New York this week at a spectacular dinner

  4. 一周在健身房锻炼三次会使你的生活更健康。

    Three sessions in a week at the gym would result in a healthier life .

  5. 继大热的“A4腰”后,“i6腿”本周在中国的互联网上又掀起一股热潮。之前,不少中国女性在网上上传个人照片,证明自己的腰只有A4纸那么宽。

    Following the much hyped ' A4 Waist ' , viral trend -- in which Chinese woman posted photos of themselves to prove they were as skinny as an A4 sheet of paper -- the ' iPhone6 Legs ' have taken the Chinese internet by storm this week .

  6. 台湾希望,本周在港口城市高雄开幕的世界运动会(worldgames),也能取得类似效果。

    Taiwan is hoping to turn a similar trick when it hosts the world games at the port city of Kaohsiung this week .

  7. 新华社称,中国新华新闻电视网英语电视台(cncworld)本周在亚洲可以通过卫星接收,从下月开始信号将覆盖全球。

    Xinhua said CNC world could be received in Asia over satellite this week and available around the world from next month .

  8. 3例黄疸消退,置入内支架术后4周在DSA下行局部持续性灌注化疗术及化疗性栓塞术。

    Patients were undergone continuously arterial chemotherapeutics infusion and chemotherapeutic embolization 4 weeks after stents placement .

  9. 大大小小的公司纷纷推出众多连接互联网的设备,这是消费电子展(ConsumerElectronicsshow)本周在拉斯维加斯开幕之际的一个中心主题。

    Large and small companies are churning out a number of Internet-connected gadgets , a central theme as the Consumer Electronics Show opens this week in Las Vegas .

  10. 而本周在夏威夷首府檀香山召开的亚太经合组织(APEC)论坛上,巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)的话题几乎就没有离开过太平洋世纪。

    And this week , at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum in Honolulu , Barack Obama talked about hardly anything else .

  11. 英国财相乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)本周在香港代表伦敦金融城,要求从这个假想中的市场分一杯羹。

    In Hong Kong this week , George Osborne staked a claim for the city to a slice of this putative market .

  12. 卡尔平斯基说:“这种差别相当于成绩为A和B的区别。”她将于本周在美国教育研究会年度会议上发表该研究成果。

    " It is the equivalent of the difference between getting an A and a B ," said Karpinski , who will present her findings this week to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association .

  13. 结果实验组所有动物爆炸后4周在尿道球部狭窄形成稳定狭窄模型(狭窄段长5~10mm,尿道腔缩窄50%以上)。

    Results All animals in study group developed a significant bulbar stricture ( the length of stricture 5-10 mm , reducing the limen by more than 50 % ) 4 weeks after the bombing .

  14. FCIC会由国会设立,专门调查金融危机的起因。它本周在华盛顿召开听证会,意在调查金融机构大到不能倒的现象。

    The FCIC , which was set up by Congress to examine the causes of the financial crisis , is examining the phenomenon of too big to fail institutions at this week 's hearing in Washington .

  15. 本文基于作者本周在北京发表的一篇演讲

    This article is based on a speech in Beijing this week

  16. 本周在工作环境中你的效率是最好的。

    You will accomplish the most in the work environment this week .

  17. 该病毒可存活数周在一个温暖,潮湿的环境。

    The virus can survive several weeks in a warm , moist environment .

  18. 因为我希望你和周在这方面比我强。

    Because I want you and Zoe to be better at this than I am .

  19. 中国国际时装周在京举行

    China Fashion Week was held in Beijing

  20. 实验的过程如下:实验前1周在两个班级进行阅读测试的前测和问卷。

    Before the experiment , the two classes were given the pre-test and the questionnaire ⅰ .

  21. 本周在我们的外国留学生系列节目中,我们开始探讨入学考试的问题。

    This week in our Foreign Student Series , we begin a discussion of entrance tests .

  22. 舒尔茨本周在国家各大报纸与网站的一则广告中发表了这封信。

    Schultz is running the letter in an advertisement in national newspapers and websites this week .

  23. 中国媒体之前报道称,周在之前的诈骗案听证中已经认罪。

    Zhou had admitted his guilt during the fraud hearing , Chinese media had previously said .

  24. 这位共和党总统候选人本周在宾州的演讲中陈述了他的这个经济计划。

    The Republican presidential candidate set out his economic plan in a speech this week in Pennsylvania .

  25. 我发现最后几周在保育室里度过的日子是如此平静和令人鼓舞。

    I found spending time in the nursery these last few weeks to be soothing and inspiring .

  26. 最近周在西村的家中接受了访谈,详细回忆了很多悲惨的战争故事。

    During a recent interview in his West Village townhouse , Mr. Chou recounted many harrowing war stories .

  27. 这部电影预计耗资1500万美金,将于本周在布达佩斯开机。

    The film is expected to cost $ 15 million and will start shooting this week in Budapest .

  28. 本周在面对她所拒绝承认的挫败时,总统表现出其典型的傲慢与无理。

    This week the president was characteristically haughty and defiant in a defeat she refused to recognise as such .

  29. 我得连续3周在星期六上班,但情况就是这样。

    I have to work on Saturday three weeks running , but that 's the luck of the draw .

  30. 这周在长江中下游沿线的降雨缓解了这一地区近50年来最恶劣的干旱灾害。

    RAIN along the middle and lower Yangzi River this week has helped alleviate the region 's worst drought in50 years .