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xī qǔ
  • draw;absorb;suck up;assimilate;drink
吸取 [xī qǔ]
  • (1) [absorb]∶用不同方法吸收

  • (2) [drink]∶采用,采取;得到

  • 吸取教训

吸取[xī qǔ]
  1. 植物从空气中吸取水分。

    Plants absorb moisture from the air .

  2. 旨在为吸取AES算法的精华、进一步推广使用有关多项式的算法提供参考和给予启迪。

    This paper aimed to absorb the quintessence of the AES algorithm and further spread and apply the algorithms about polynomials .

  3. 作为一个孩子,她渴望吸取知识的养分。

    As a child , she was starved of intellectual nourishment .

  4. 我肯定她会从错误中吸取教训。

    I 'm sure she 'll learn from her mistakes .

  5. 植物从土壤中吸取矿物质和其他养分。

    Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil .

  6. 你得从所犯错误中吸取教训。

    You must try to learn from your mistakes .

  7. 在这次磨难中,他得以从自己的信仰中吸取力量。

    During this ordeal he was able to draw strength from his faith .

  8. 我们努力从错误中吸取教训。

    We tried to profit by our mistakes .

  9. 公司未能从这次经历中吸取任何教训。

    The company failed to learn any lessons from this experience .

  10. 我深信他已从错误中吸取了教训。

    I am convinced that he has learned from his mistakes

  11. 审视过去的作用是能帮你从错误中吸取教训。

    Looking back helps insofar as it helps you learn from your mistakes .

  12. 要努力从失败婚姻中吸取教训。

    Try and learn from the lessons implicit in the failure of your marriage .

  13. 也许最应吸取的教训就是懂得众口难调。

    Perhaps the most important lesson to be learned is that you simply cannot please everyone

  14. 他应该从过去的错误中吸取教训。我们有过同样的经历。

    He should learn from the mistakes of the past . We have been here before

  15. 所有的一切都是在一怒之下干的,我无疑已经从自己的错误中吸取了教训。

    It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake

  16. 政府显然没有吸取教训,不然不会把问题处理得那么草率。

    Evidently no lessons have been learnt or else the government would not have handled the problem so sloppily .

  17. 从这次危机中我们还可以吸取一个教训——我们都需要更好地了解对方的想法。

    There 's still one lesson to be learned from the crisis — we all need to better understand the thinking of the other side .

  18. 年轻人从长辈那里吸取智慧。

    Youngsters imbibe wisdom from their elders .

  19. 要从过去的错误中吸取教训,以免重蹈覆辙。

    One should learn from past mistakes so as to avoid falling into the same old trap again .

  20. 树根从土壤中吸取水分和养料。

    The roots of trees draw water and nourishment from the soil .

  21. 一些人从1991年苏联体系崩溃中吸取了错误的教训。

    Some drew the wrong lesson from the collapse of the Soviet system in 1991 .

  22. 最重要的是勇敢地面对痛苦并从中吸取教训。

    The most important thing is to face the pains bravely and learn from them .

  23. 我们应该从错误中吸取教训。

    We should learn from mistakes .

  24. "不要害怕犯错,我们可以从中吸取教训!"老师说。

    " Don 't be afraid of making mistakes and we can learn from them ! " said the teacher .

  25. 在一起散步的时候,我父亲和我曾经有过很多的谈话,通过这些谈话我从他的经历中吸取了教训。

    Walking together , my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences .

  26. 更有趣的是,大脑会在大概3秒内吸取所有信息得到第一印象。

    What is even more interesting is that the brain takes in all the information to create that first impression in about three seconds .

  27. 有时,我们会失败,但我们可以从失败中吸取教训、改正错误,然后再次尝试直至目标达成。

    We may fail from time to time , but we can learn from failure , correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals .

  28. 我们应当从这些触目惊心的事实中吸取教训。

    We should draw a moral from the startling fact .

  29. 植物从土壤中吸取养分

    Plant sucks from the soil .

  30. 我们希望儿子能从错误中吸取教训,成为一个独立自主的年轻人。

    We want our son to learn from his mistakes and grow into an independent young man .