
  • 网络Starting system;Start System;boot;Startup;starter system
  1. 关于电路描述和图例,请参阅单元8W-电线图中8W-21启动系统。

    For circuit descriptions and diagrams , refer to 8W-21 Starting System in Group 8W Wiring Diagrams .

  2. 介绍了用80C196KB控制的异步电动机软启动系统,给出了系统建立的数学模型及软件设计方法。

    The paper introduced the soft starting system of asynchronous motor controlled by80C196KB , and gave the mathematic model of the system and designing method of the software .

  3. 插入CD并启动系统。

    Insert the CD , and boot the system .

  4. 但系统安装后,可以使用几乎一致的命令来启动系统&只要将-bootd改成-bootc。

    When the system is installed , you can use a nearly identical command to launch the working system & just change-boot d to-boot c.

  5. 记住在重新启动系统之后,还要像前面一样挂载DVD才能完成其余的步骤。

    Remember after you reboot to mount the DVD as shown above for the remaining steps .

  6. 启动系统的其余部分是init的工作。

    It is the job of init to start up the rest of the system .

  7. 数字化物理启动系统在HTR-10物理启动试验中的应用

    Digital Physical Startup System Applying to Physical Startup Experiment of HTR-10

  8. 内核补丁需要重新启动系统,TCP/IP协议的补丁可能会影响Domino服务器。

    Patches to the Kernel require a reboot , and patches to the TCP / IP protocol may affect the Domino server .

  9. GE发电机LCI静态启动系统

    LCI Static Start-up System of GE Generator

  10. 基于TPM芯片的计算机安全启动系统设计

    TPM-Chip Based Security Startup System Design

  11. 稍后,管理员可以安排一次重启在新版本AIX上重新启动系统。

    At a later stage , a reboot can be scheduled in order to restart the system at the later level of AIX .

  12. 在AIX中,inetd守护进程为网络提供Internet服务管理,并默认在您每次启动系统时启动。

    In AIX , the inetd daemon provides Internet service management for a network and starts by default every time you start your system .

  13. 在重新启动系统后,您可能会遇到cannotmountrootfs错误(在Linux主机得到kernelpanic之后)。

    You may have experienced the cannot mount rootfs error ( followed by your Linux host getting a kernel panic ) after you reboot your system .

  14. 接下来,内核将启动系统初始化进程init,这将成为第一个进程。

    Next , the kernel will start the system initialization process init which will become process number one .

  15. init程序然后以预先定义的顺序运行一系列脚本来启动系统。

    The init program then runs a series of scripts in a predefined order to bring up the system .

  16. CST可控软启动系统在主井带式输送机中的应用

    Application of CST Controllable S of t Start System in the Belt - conveyer of the Main Shaft

  17. 现在使用/sbin/mkinitrd命令创建initrd文件,然后重新启动系统。

    Now use the / sbin / mkinitrd command to create initrd , and then reboot .

  18. CSR软启动系统利用行星传动、蜗轮传动及变频调速技术,实现了小功率对大功率输出速度的有效控制,达到了软启动、软制动和软调速的目的。

    CSR ( Controlled Speed Reducer ) soft-starting system takes advantage of planetary transmission ( differential transmission ) and worm transmission and technology of inverter-driven speed transforming .

  19. 超临界600MW机组启动系统特点及试运中注意事项

    Characteristics of Start-up System for 600 MW Supercritical Generating Unit and Precautions for Test Operation

  20. 但是,这非常类似于真正使用GRUB启动系统时启动图像上叠加的图像。

    However , this is very similar to what you see superimposed on your splash image when you really boot the system using GRUB .

  21. 我们可以通过GRUB的命令行界面或菜单界面来启动系统。

    When booting with GRUB , you can use either a command-line interface ( see Command-line interface ), or a menu interface ( see Menu interface ) .

  22. 首次启动系统后,以根用户登录,并且为在下一节用到的安装文件创建名为src的目录。

    After the system has started up for the first time , log in as root and create a directory called SRC for the installation files used in the next section .

  23. 目前,Xen使用initrd时仍然存在问题,所以,如果想要启动系统,则需要为自己创建一些设备代码。

    Xen is currently having issues with initrd , so you need to create a few device codes for yourself if you want the system to boot .

  24. 更新用户密钥数量需要bosboot和重新启动系统才能生效。

    Updating the number of user keys requires a bosboot and a subsequent system restart to become effective .

  25. 这允许从另一个iSCSI磁盘启动系统,或者使用BOOTP/TFTP装载内核映像并使用NFS挂载根文件系统。

    This allows the system to start over from either another iSCSI disk or by using BOOTP / TFTP to load the kernel images and NFS to mount the root file system .

  26. 此时,使用配置管理器命令cfgmgr配置启动系统所需的有限数量的设备。

    A limited amount of devices needed to start the system are configured at this time with the Configuration Manager command cfgmgr .

  27. 启动系统、修改运行级别或关机时init使用的那些脚本通常存储在/etc/init.d或/etc/rc.d目录下。

    These scripts used by init when starting the system , changing runlevels , or shutting down are typically stored in the / etc / init . d or / etc / rc . d directory .

  28. vmo命令支持即时更改可调参数的值、或者将更改可调参数值的操作延迟到重新启动系统之后进行。

    The vmo command supports changing the value of a tunable parameter immediately or to defer changing the value of a tunable parameter until the system is rebooted .

  29. 着重介绍了CST可控软启动系统的原理、特点、优点及其在主井带式输送机中的应用情况。

    This paper emphatically introduces the principles , features and advantages of CST controllable soft start system , and expounds the application of CST controllable soft start system in the belt-conveyer of the main shaft .

  30. 不过,不论我们划分了多少个分区,也不论使用的是SCSI硬盘还是IDE硬盘,都必须把硬盘的主分区设定为活动分区,这样才能够通过硬盘启动系统。

    However , no matter how much we are divided into districts , either using a SCSI or IDE hard disk drives , hard drives must be the primary partition to set active partition , this is the only way through your system hard disk .