
tīnɡ zhe
  • listen
  1. 听着,老兄,别再说俏皮话了行不行?

    Listen , bud , enough of the wisecracks , OK ?

  2. 听着,我有事要告诉你。

    Listen , there 's something I have to tell you .

  3. 他们听着波浪拍击海滩的声音。

    They listened to the wash of waves on the beach .

  4. 她听着演讲,眼中噙满了泪水。

    Her eyes misted over as she listened to the speech .

  5. 你说这话,听着跟你父亲一模一样。

    You sounded just like your father when you said that .

  6. 他们听着下面汹涌澎湃的海浪声。

    They listened to the rush of the sea below .

  7. 我们急不可待地听着,因为他带来了我们家人的消息。

    We listened eagerly , for he brought news of our families .

  8. 她默默地坐在那儿,饶有兴致地听着时高时低的谈话声。

    She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation .

  9. 我们听着他没完没了地重复他的论点。

    We listened to his lengthy rehearsal of the arguments .

  10. 听着,女士,别对我大喊大叫的。

    Listen , lady , don 't shout at me .

  11. 他们的最新单曲唱片听着和前一张很像。

    Their latest single sounds suspiciously like the last one .

  12. 听着,我们在这儿做的事又不像大脑开刀那么难。

    Look , this isn 't brain surgery we 're doing here .

  13. 他们听着风在林间呼啸的声音。

    They listened to the howl of the wind through the trees .

  14. 故事情节逐渐展开,小女孩都入迷地听着。

    The girls listened in fascination as the story unfolded .

  15. 他听着音乐,眼睛里噙着泪水。

    As he listened to the music , his eyes filled with tears .

  16. 她留神听着他把钥匙插入门锁。

    She listened for his key in the latch .

  17. 老师听着孩子们朗读。

    The teacher listened to the children reading aloud .

  18. 我隐隐约约听着远处有汽车的声音。

    I was dimly aware of the sound of a car in the distance .

  19. 约翰,注意听着。

    You mark what I say , John .

  20. 他的名字听着很熟,但我想不起我们在哪里见过。

    His name rings a bell but I can 't think where we met .

  21. 你能留心听着门铃吗?

    Can you listen out for the doorbell ?

  22. 他的声音在电话里听着挺怪的。

    His voice sounded strange on the phone .

  23. 他的解释我听着有道理。

    His explanation sounds reasonable to me .

  24. 他们听着消息时面如死灰。

    They listened ashen-faced to the news .

  25. 住口,听着!

    Just shut up and listen !

  26. 别嚷了,听着!

    Stop shouting and listen !

  27. 这个音听着偏高。

    That note sounded sharp .

  28. 他恭敬地听着。

    He listened respectfully .

  29. “听着,”黛西一边大口喝着燕麦粥一边说道。

    ' Listen , ' said Daisy , digging into her oatmeal

  30. 我们给他提建议的时候,他坐在那儿听着。

    He sat there listening as we put suggestions to him .