
  1. 我爷爷很喜欢听她弹琴,虽然他本人不是很懂音乐。

    And my grandfather liked to listen to it , though he did not know much about music .

  2. 她从不知道劳伦斯先生常常打开他书房的门听她弹琴,或者罗瑞站在大厅里让仆人们走开以不打扰这个害羞的女孩。

    She never knew that Mr Laurence often opened his study door to hear her playing , or that Laurie stood in the hall to keep the servants away from the shy little girl .

  3. 韩愈《听颖师弹琴》中的音乐意象

    Musical Images in Han Yu 's Listening to Ying-shi 's Solo Playing

  4. 妈妈,为什么劳伦斯先生不喜欢听罗瑞弹琴?琼问。

    Mother , why doesn 't Mr Laurence like to hear Laurie play the piano ? asked Jo .

  5. 韩愈的《听颖师弹琴》一诗,被誉为唐代“三大音乐至文”之一,其音乐意象呈现出链接式、跌宕式及实写式的个性化特征。

    The musical images in Listening to Ying-shi 's solo playing , Which is one of the Three Famous Musical Poems in Tang Dynasty , showing musical images of chain-linking , free-flowing and life-like individuality .