
  • 网络negation;negative proposition;negate proposition
  1. 所有特称否定命题都不能换位吗?

    Can all the special negative proposition not be transposed ?

  2. 在哲学史和逻辑史上,有学者认为否定命题是某种偶然的、副次的东西。

    In the history of philosophy and logic , some scholars regard negative proposition as something occasional and subsidiary .

  3. 含有否定命题逻辑推理的一致性模糊Petri网模型

    Consistent Fuzzy Petri Nets Model for Logic Programs with Negation

  4. 从关系逻辑的观点看特称否定命题的换位问题意向命题的肯定与否定

    Thinking about the Reverse of Existential Negation Proposition From the Point of View of Relation Logic

  5. 本文认为否定命题作为一种独特的思维形式,有着重要的逻辑功能和认识价值。

    This paper suggests that the negative proposition , as a unique form of thinking , has its important logical function and cognitive value .

  6. 伦理思维打破了存在的自鸣得意,它在人与存在的相与向度运思,将展开人之是其所应是的生活向度。从关系逻辑的观点看特称否定命题的换位问题

    Moral thinking breaks " existential complacence " and focuses on man and existence . Thinking about the Reverse of Existential Negation Proposition From the Point of View of Relation Logic

  7. 第四章分析了语用预设在英汉语中的差异。在否定命题下,大多数预设仍保持为一个常值,但也有少数预设的否定命题不能够保持为一个常值。

    Semantic presupposition can be cancelled and , mostly , stand as a fixed proposition under the negation test , but some presuppositions fail to keep consistent under negation test .

  8. 当这些种类的命题和他们的否定命题以各式各样的形式联合在一起,并对其可靠性进行测试时,一般发现只有这四种因果关系或特殊的因果判断,是令人信服的。

    When these genera and their negations are combined together in every which way , and tested for consistency , it is found that only four species of causation remain conceivable .

  9. 它昭示了人如何从萨特哲学对本质所界定的事实性否定命题通向对存在所设想的价值性肯定命题。火星上是否有生命是一个有趣的问题。

    It show us how the human could be from the negation of fact with essence go to the affirmation of value with existence . Whether there is life on Mars is an interesting question .

  10. 否定句命题:他并不肥胖。

    Negative statement he is not fat .

  11. 但是不会说那个命题已经被证明是绝对的有效,因为将来有一个观察来否定这个命题的可能性也是存在的。

    But that proposition does not say has been proved to be totally effective , because there is a future observation to negate the possibility of this proposition also exist .

  12. 通过否定一个命题得出矛盾结果的逻辑证明。

    A logical proof of a proposition by showing that its negation leads to a contradiction .

  13. 此外,还通过否定揭示出经典命题逻辑系统、直觉主义命题逻辑系统和弗协调命题逻辑系统之间的关系。

    Furthermore , the author discovered the relations among the classical propositional system , intuitionistic propositional system and paraconsistent propositional system on the ground of negations .

  14. 汉语的否定句对应于逻辑上直言否定命题和复合命题中的负命题两种不同类型的命题。

    Negative sentences in Chinese are corresponding to two kinds of different propositions in logic . They are categorical negative proposition and the negative proposition of compound proposition .

  15. 外部否定主要包括对句子情态的否定和对命题的合适性条件的否定,后者又称元语言否定或语用否定。

    External negation mainly includes the negation of modality and felicity condition of the sentences . The latter is also named meta-linguistic negation or pragmatic negation .

  16. 着重从否定的转移、否定的语义层次、否定同各种从属命题之间的关系等三个方面,对俄语“意向”命题的否定进行研究。

    This paper is engaged in studies of negation of utterances with mental propositional attitudes through three areas : removal of negation , semantic layers of negation , relation between negation and subordinate propositional utterance .

  17. 在否定句中まで产生歧义的原因一方面在于语境的不明确性,另一方面在于日语否定句有谓词否定和命题否定两种解释。

    The ambiguity of ma de in Japanese negative sentences results from context on the one hand and the double interpretations of Japanese negative sentences ( including predicate negation and propositional negation ) on the other hand .