
  • 网络Vedic Age;Vedic period;vedas period
  1. 印度吠陀时代妇女的地位探略

    The Position of Indian Women in the Vedic Age

  2. 印度吠陀时代的体育及其历史决定性

    The Vedic Sport and the Determination of History

  3. 其二,受印度次大陆独特的社会文化因素的影响,其中包括种姓制、婆罗门教、民族传统文化和地理环境等因素,使吠陀时代体育呈现出独特的印度特征。

    Second , affected by the special social cultural factors of india , which included the initial brahmanism , caste system , traditional cultural legacy and geographical feature , the Vedic sport show disdinct charecteristics .

  4. 在吠陀时代,雅利安人中大部分是自耕农,他们拥有自己的土地,“我们确信,当时没有地主,没有贫民,也没有百万富翁,更不会有赤贫。”

    In the Vedic era , most of Aryan farmers , they have their own land ," We are confident that there was no landlord , no poor , no millionaire , but not extreme . "

  5. 印度戏剧,更准确来说,是民间戏剧可以追溯到吠陀&雅利安时代的宗教仪式。

    The origin of the Indian theatre or rather folk theatre and dramatics can be traced to religious ritualism of the Vedic Aryans .

  6. “火供”或者火的仪式是非常古老的,吠陀先知者时代最有效的仪式。

    ' Homa'or the fire ritual is very ancient and has been the most effective ritual right from the times of the Vedic Seers .