
jūn zhǔ zhì
  • monarchy
  1. 那场革命敲响了俄国君主制的丧钟。

    The revolution tolled the death knell for the Russian monarchy .

  2. 很多人认为君主制在现代世界不合时宜。

    The monarchy is seen by many people as an anachronism in the modern world .

  3. 在他们看来,君主制是独立国地位的特殊象征。

    To them , the monarchy is the special symbol of nationhood .

  4. 我们开始混淆皇室大家庭和君主制这两个概念了。

    We are beginning to muddle the extended royal family and the monarchy .

  5. 据各方面记述,君主制没有在大多数罗马人中激发起强烈的感情。

    By all accounts , the monarchy does not excite strong feelings among the majority of Romanians

  6. 只要大多数人还乐意保留君主制,废除它的主张就是痴人说梦。

    As long as most people are happy to have the monarchy , the abolitionist position is an arrogant fantasy .

  7. 现在世界上君主制的国家已经很少了。

    Nowadays , there are few monarchies left in the world .

  8. 但若异口同声地为君主制歌功颂德,则是另一码事

    But to assent to a consensus acclaiming its virtues is another matter .

  9. Johny:君主制国家只有一个小偷。

    Johny : In a kingdom there is only one thief .

  10. 那是一个短暂而阴暗的朝代,在那场你争我夺的战争里,欧洲最强盛的多民族政府,从Vienna到Budapest,横跨11个民族的君主制国家未能幸免于难。

    It was a short and gloomy reign , in a botched war that left Europe 's most successful multinational state , the 11-nation monarchy run from Vienna and Budapest , beyond saving .

  11. 他最新的书是对君主制的辛辣讽刺。

    His latest book is a biting satire on the monarchy .

  12. 太多的宣传会破坏君主制的神秘性。

    Too much publicity will destroy the mystique of the monarchy .

  13. 在我们的血液里已不再存在封建制和君主制的病害。

    Feudal and monarchical maladies no longer run in our blood .

  14. 是君主制和帝国政治。

    It 's structured on monarchical and imperial ideas of politics .

  15. 君主制和海军一直是我们的骄傲。

    The British have a proud tradition of monarchy and navy .

  16. 在强大的君主制下,一场火算不了什么。

    A clear memo fire has no authority over the monarchy .

  17. 论君主制在沙特阿拉伯长期延续的根源

    On roots of long continuity of the monarchism in Saudi Arabia

  18. 该联邦协议的其中一部分内容是关于英国君主制。

    One area of agreement has been over the British monarchy .

  19. 废除君主制是他们的其中一部分条件。

    The abolition of the monarchy was part of their price .

  20. 她是第一位成为欧洲君主制国家王妃的澳大利亚人。

    She becomes australia 's first European princess in a reigning monarchy .

  21. 这是君主制见证的最悲惨的一年。

    This is the most wretched year the monarchy has ever seen .

  22. 他认为该废除君主制了。

    He thinks it 's time we did away with the monarchy .

  23. 后冷战时代阿拉伯君主制和王权的走向

    The Trends of Arab Monarchy and Royal System in Post-Cold War Age

  24. 美国民众历来对于君主制原则持有两种看法。

    Americans have always been in two minds about the monarchical principle .

  25. 但全民公投产生了一个明确的结果&支持保留君主制。

    But the referendum produced a clear vote to retain the monarchy .

  26. 法国革命及君主制的恢复

    The French Revolution and the Restoration of Monarchy in France

  27. 给君主制的发展提供所需的动力

    gave the monarchist movement the push that it needed .

  28. 亨利二世采取了一些措施巩固君主制。

    Henry II took some measures to consolidate the monarchy .

  29. 1907年,在英国的影响下,不丹成立君主制政体。

    Under the British influence , a monarchy was set up in1907 .

  30. 由此将君主制推向瓦解的边缘

    and brought the monarchy to the brink of collapse .