
  • 网络nominal thickness
  1. 计算结果表明,粗糙度总是减小最小名义油膜厚度,并使油膜压力在接触区剧烈振荡,其幅值大于光滑表面时周期内的最大名义油膜压力。

    It is shown that roughness always decreases the minimum nominal film thickness and increases oscillations of the maximum nominal film pressure in the mixed lubrication regions , resulting in its maximum values bigger than those in the smooth cases .

  2. 名义最小油膜厚度在纵向粗糙时最大,横向粗糙时最小。

    The minimum nominal film thickness is biggest in the longitudinal roughness and the smallest in the transverse case .

  3. 粗糙纹理相同时,相同粗糙结构下的名义最小油膜厚度在牛顿流体时大于不同粗糙结构时的相应值,在非牛顿流体情况下,结论相反。

    For the same roughness texture , in the Newtonian fluid , the minimum nominal film thickness of the same roughness structure is bigger than that of the different roughness structure , and it is opposite in the shear thinning case .