
  1. 保险作为集合同质风险单位以分摊损失的一种经济制度,其目的是补偿风险事故所造成的损失,以确保经济生活的安定。

    Insurance serves as an economy system gathered the same unit of risk to share the loss . The purpose is to compensate for loss caused by accident to ensure the stable of economic lives .

  2. 但也遭遇银行同质竞争、授信风险较大等外部威胁。

    Bank of homogeneity but also encountered competition from external threats such as greater credit risks .

  3. 借助终端验证法,从文化的同质度、抗风险度和储备度三方面着手,可最大限度减少干扰,满足生态人类学的研究需要。

    We should study culture from its moderate degree of nature , the degree of anti-risk and reserve resources . Thus we can reduce interferences and satisfy the need of Eco-anthropological study .