
diào zhuāng
  • hoisting
吊装 [diào zhuāng]
  • [hoisting] 用机械安装建筑物的预制构件

吊装[diào zhuāng]
  1. 30m预应力箱梁的预制与吊装

    Prefabrication and hoisting of 30m prestressed box girder

  2. GFRP筋在超长地下连续墙钢筋笼中的应用及笼体吊装施工的研究

    Study on GFRP Rebar Applied to Reinforcement Cage in Super Long Diaphragm Wall and on Hoisting and Placement of Reinforcement Cage

  3. Matlab在无支架缆索吊装索力计算中的应用

    Matlab Language and Its Application in the Calculation of Cable Force

  4. 迭代法和Excel在滑移法吊装计算中的应用

    Application of Iteration Algorithm and Excel in Sliding-Hoisting Calculation

  5. 新加坡MEGA会展中心钢结构整体吊装

    The whole lifting of steel structure for Singapore Mega Exposition

  6. 上海浦东机场A380机库钢结构机库大门吊装技术

    Lifting technology of steel construction hangar door of Shanghai pudong airport A380 aircraft hangar

  7. 为保护斜拉索PE保护层,斜拉索吊装时采用尼龙绳,运输采用自制的运索平车,运索平车设有导向转盘,放缩盘增设刹车装置。

    For protecting stayed cables , nylon ropes are adopted when PE cables are erected , self-made vehicle with leading-guide turn table is adopted when transported , and braking device is set on discharging-shrinking table additionally .

  8. 特大跨径钢管混凝土拱桥钢管拱肋的吊装施工特大跨径RC拱桥悬拼合拢技术的探讨

    Construction Techniques of Steel Pipe Arch Rib Hoisting of Extra Long Span Concrete-Filled Stell Pipe Arch Bridges Discussion on Technology of Suspending and Connecting for the RC Bridge with an Unusual Big Span

  9. 上海电机厂重大件吊装工程600t桥吊露天车间结构设计介绍

    The Structural Design of the 600t Crane Outdoors Workshop of Shanghai Electromotor Factory

  10. T-STAR反应器吊装过程有限元模拟分析

    Finite Element Analysis of T - STAR Reactor During Lifting

  11. 195m钢筋混凝土箱形拱桥吊装施工技术研究

    Research on Erection and Installation of 195m Span Box Reinforced Concrete Arch Bridge

  12. 宁海电厂1000MW塔式锅炉钢架吊装

    Hoisting and Installation of 1000 MW Tower-type Boiler Steel Frame of Ninghai Power Plant

  13. 1000MW机组锅炉大板梁的吊装

    1000 MW Unit Boiler Girder-beam Hoisting

  14. 用Picard迭代法求解了单机开式复合约束绳系吊装系统动点坐标的非线性方程组,建立了计算动点坐标的通用迭代算式,并描述了实现通用算法的关键编程技术。

    It is solved with Picard iteration that the nonlinear equations with respect to the moving point coordinates of open complex restrained rope system of single crane .

  15. 整体吊装式轴流泵及泵站研究BDK对旋高效轴流式风机的应用

    Study on Complete Set Lifting and Installing Technology for Axial Flow Pump Application of BDK Disrotatory High-efficiency Axial Fan

  16. 介绍了在金陵石化炼油厂200万t/a柴油加氢装置建设中,将质量为237t的反应器和高60m的钢烟囱成功进行整体吊装过程中的关键技术。

    The crucial technology in overall hoisting course in the refinery installation construction has been introduced in this paper . Overall hoisting course include reader of 237 t and steel chimney of 60 m.

  17. HSZ型手拉葫芦常用来完成设备、货物的吊装以及工厂内设备或产品部件的安装拆卸。

    Type HSZ Hand Chain Block is often used to lift the equipment , commodity and removing or installing machine .

  18. 分析传统工期-资源优化方法的不足,提出应用P3软件进行资源优化,将其运用到船台大合拢分段吊装计划管理中,证实了该软件在资源优化方法上具有一定的多样性和灵活性。

    After analyzing the shortage of traditional method of time-resource optimization , this paper applies ( software P3 ) to the hull-block slipway assembling project . It is proved that the software is more flexible on time-resource ( optimization ) .

  19. 文间以进口HH型罗茨鼓风机为例,详细介绍了其装配过程及注意事项、间隙问题及调整控制和整机吊装就位等技术要点;

    With the imported HH type roots blower as an example this article introduces its installation process points for attention , as well as technical points of interval confirmation , adjustment and control , and integral hoisting preparation , etc.

  20. 在320m高空用双机抬吊超重构件&上海环球金融中心特大型构件超高度吊装的施工实践

    Construction Practice on Super High Erection of Extra Large Components for Shanghai World Financial Center & Hoisting Super Heavy Building Component with Two Cranes in High Altitude of 320m

  21. 结合工程实际情况,采用K50/70外爬式塔吊和ZSC800内爬式塔吊进行吊装施工。

    The height of the building is154m.During the construction , K50 / 70 external climbing tower crane and ZSC800 internal climbing tower crane are used .

  22. 以新加坡地铁滨海线C822标为背景,针对该工程工作井及周边场地的特殊环境条件,提出了适合工程实际情况的盾构吊装下井方案,并对吊装方法和吊装顺序作了详细的介绍。

    With the background of contract C822 of seaboard line of Singapore metro , this article proposes a shields lowering-down scheme applicable to actual situation of work shaft and its special ambience .

  23. 对从法国进口的10000m3天然气球罐的结构特点、材料机械性能、现场吊装组对工艺、施工焊接工艺和气压试验进行了分析。

    An analysis is made on the structure features , mechanical property of materials , in-situ assembly procedure , welding procedure and gas pressure test for 10 000 m ~ 3 natural gas spherical gasholders imported from France .

  24. 门式桅杆滑移法吊装在实际工程中的应用

    The Application of door-like mast sliding method Hoisting in Project Construction

  25. 阐述了一段炉炉管整体吊装的关键过程及方法

    Expound tle key process and method of a furnace tube length

  26. 单吊车滑移法吊装工艺计算程序

    Calculation Program of Lifting Technology of Single Crane with Slide Method

  27. 钢筋混凝土长柱吊装长期存在的力学问题

    Long Term Existing Mechanical Problems on Long Reinforced Concrete Column Lifting

  28. 汽车吊在石化装置塔类设备吊装中的应用

    The application of truck crane in hoisting towers for petrochemical equipment

  29. 塔器吊装直立瞬间提升力分析

    Analysis on the lifting force of the tower lifted almost vertically

  30. 50米T梁吊装过程中的稳定性分析

    Analysis on Installing Stability of 50 m T-Beam by Direct Lifting