
hé fǎ xìnɡ yuán zé
  • Principle of legality;legality doctrine
  1. 最后,阐述了国家法定机关在启动和运用搜查所应遵循的基本原则:合理性原则、合法性原则和特定性原则。

    Finally , the thesis expounds the essential principles by which the national legal organizations should abide when they start or carry out search : principle of reasonableness , legality doctrine and particular principle .

  2. 基本原则主要包括合法性原则和合理性原则。

    The basic principles mainly co ist of legality and reasonablene .

  3. 计算方法和计算软件的合法性原则;

    The principle of legality of calculating methods and software ;

  4. 资产重组的合法性原则窥探

    A Probe into the Principle of Legitimacy for Assets Reorganization

  5. 诱惑侦查之基准:合法性原则和最后手段原则

    The Guideline of Entrapment Detection : The principle of Legitimacy and Final Means

  6. 制定地方立法计划应遵循合法性原则、可行性原则、科学性原则。

    Therefore , enacting such a plan should be lawful , feasible and scientific .

  7. 金融行政执法必须遵循合法性原则与合理性原则。

    Financial administrative enforcement of law should . obey the principle of legality and rationality .

  8. 刑事程序合法性原则论纲

    One the Principle of Criminal Procedural Legality

  9. 论行政合法性原则

    On the Principle of Administrative Legality

  10. 行政合法性原则是行政法学的基本原则的首要原则。

    The principle of administrative legality is a basic and the most important principle in the administration law .

  11. 刑法上的合法性原则要求一个法庭必须依法成立。

    It is required in accordance with the Principle of Legality that a court must be lawfully established .

  12. 保持不变的温度;连续不断的打击;恒久合法性原则;稳定的微风。

    Maintained a constant temperature ; a constant beat ; principles of unvarying validity ; a steady breeze .

  13. 刑事程序合法性原则是宪法性原则在刑事诉讼法上的直接体现。

    The principle of procedural legality is the direct representation of the constitutional principle in criminal procedural law .

  14. 资本市场制度设计与建设必须符合合理性与合法性原则。

    System design and construction of a capital market shall be achieved on a reasonable and legitimate basis .

  15. 合法性原则和最后手段原则是诱惑侦查司法准则的核心内容。

    The principle of legitimacy and final means are the core content of the judicial guideline of entrapment detection .

  16. 司法调解要坚持正义原则、合法性原则、以及合理性原则。

    Judicial mediation should adhere to the principles of justice , the principle of legality , the principle of rationality .

  17. 我国贸易调整援助制度的创设应遵守经济效率原则、国家利益原则和合法性原则。

    The establishing of the TAA legal system should follow the principles of economical efficiency , national interests and legality .

  18. 其次,搜查程序改革的原则应定位为合法性原则、合理性原则和适度性原则;

    The principles of search include the principle of legal doctrine , the principle of rationality and the principle of moderation .

  19. 行政自由裁量权的公正行使必须符合合法性原则、合理性原则、比例原则及公众参与的原则。

    The justice exercise of administrative discretion must comply with the principle of legality , rationality , proportion and public participation .

  20. 刑事电子证据的取证应当遵循任意侦查原则、相称性原则、令状原则、合法性原则和及时性原则。

    To obtain electronic evidence , principles of random investigation , commensuration , writ , legitimacy and timely rule should be followed .

  21. 第三章探讨了行政合法性原则和行政合理性原则对税收行政自由裁量权的规制问题。

    The second chapter expounds discusses the administration discretion ontology . 3 . Taxation administrative discretion is a limited power to choose .

  22. 进一步提出电子证据保全的五个原则,即合法性原则、效率成本原则、及时性原则、完整性原则和最小破坏原则。

    Further , we put forward four principles , named legitimacy , efficiency and cost , timeliness , integrity , minimum damage .

  23. 适用强制措施时应当遵循合法性原则、比例性原则和变更性原则。

    The principle of legality , the principle of proportion and the principle of modification should be carried out when applying Criminal Compulsory summons .

  24. 本文探讨了合法性原则、合理性原则及其联系与矛盾,并以合目的性原则予以整合。

    The author discusses the principle of legality and rationality and their the contradictions and connection , integrated with the principle of according purpose .

  25. 在法治的视野下,行政裁量权的行使要遵循合法性原则与合理性原则的要求。

    View of the rule of law , the exercise of administrative discretion should follow the principle of legality and the principle of reasonable requirements .

  26. 美国刑法之所以采取制定法的形式,是为了提高“合法性原则”的效力;

    The reason for the American criminal law being adopted in the form of statute is to heighten the effectiveness of the " legality principle " .

  27. 合法性原则要求裁量的主体必须具有执法资格,裁量的决定符合法律授权。

    The principle of legality requires the subject of discretion must have Law enforcement qualification and the decision of discretion must be in conformity with law .

  28. 法律解释的目的和作用决定法律解释必须遵循合法性原则、合理性原则以及整体性原则。

    The goal and the function of legal interpretation require that it must follow the valid principle , the rational principle as well as the integrity principle .

  29. 科技奖励主要有四个基本原则,合法性原则,准确性原则,公平性原则和庄重性原则。

    There are four main basic principles of science and technology awards . They are the principle of legality , accuracy , fairness and the principle of solemnity .

  30. 而行政诉讼协调的适用应当遵循有限协调原则、适度协调原则、合法性原则、自愿原则。

    And coordination of administrative litigation shall follow these principles : limited coordination principle , appropriate coordination principle , the principle of legality , the principle of voluntarily .