
  1. 农村合作金融信贷风险控制与不良贷款处置&对山西尧都信用联社的案例分析

    The Credit Risk Control Innovation and Disposition of Bad-Debts in Rural Credit Cooperatives & A Case Analysis of Yao Du RCC

  2. 第三,加强国际金融监管合作,防范金融风险积聚和扩散。

    Third , strengthen international cooperation in financial supervision and regulation and guard against the build-up and spread of financial risks .

  3. 因此,加强国际间金融监管合作、将金融风险扼杀在萌芽状态就显的尤为重要。

    Therefore , the strengthening of international cooperation in financial regulation , financial risk to stifle in the cradle was of particular importance .

  4. 但由于历史和现实等各方面原因的客观存在,目前农村合作金融机构的信贷风险主要表现为操作风险。

    However , due to reasons of history and reality , the credit risk of the rural cooperative financial institutions is mainly operational risk .

  5. 第二章介绍了金融衍生产品引发的数次金融危机,分析了金融衍生产品导致金融危机的原因;在次基础上,笔者指出了加强国际金融监管合作、共同防范金融风险的必要性。

    The second chapter describes some financial crisis induced by financial derivative products and analyzes the relationship between financial crisis and financial derivative products . On this basis , the author points out the importance of strengthening international cooperation in financial regulation and guarding against financial risks together .