
  • 网络Cooperative Network;collaboration network
  1. 基于《科学通报》的科学家合作网研究

    Analysis of Scientific Collaboration Network Based on " Chinese Science Bulletin "

  2. 一个小型演员合作网的拓扑性质分析

    The Topological Analysis of a Small Actor Collaboration Network

  3. 事实上,Internet和WWW与现实中的许多网络模型一样,例如科学合作网、科技引文网、国家电力网、社会关系网、生物捕食网等等,都具有复杂网络的特征。

    Numerous real network models , such as the Internet , WWW , scientific collaboration network , citation network of scientific papers , national power network , public relation network , ecological web , exhibit the characteristic of complex networks .

  4. 一个科研合作网的双粒子图自适应演化模型

    A self - adaptive bi - particle graph model for scientific collaboration

  5. 组织合作网与生产要素的流动

    The cooperative net of organize and mobility of productive factor

  6. 粮食和营养监测系统技术合作网

    Food and Nutrition Surveillance System Technical Cooperation Network

  7. 中国和国际物理教育合作网的比较与分析

    Comparison and analysis of scientific collaboration networks in physics education between China and overseas

  8. 技术创新合作网的演化机理与特征研究

    Research on evolution mechanisms and properties of the enterprise collaboration network for technological innovations

  9. 简介跨越多个实际科学领域的合作网与合作-竞争网。

    This article briefly introduces collaboration and cooperation-competition networks across many fields of practical sciences .

  10. 农业项目管理技术合作网

    Technical Cooperation Network on Agricultural Project Management

  11. 组织合作网与技术扩散氢在不同钢组织中的扩散

    Cooperative net of organize and technology diffusion Diffusion of Hydrogen in Different Composition of Steel

  12. 植物生物技术技术合作网

    Technical cooperation Network on Plant biotechnology

  13. 拉丁美洲和加勒比区域干旱和半干旱土地区域技术合作网

    Regional Technical Cooperation Network on Arid and Semi-arid Lands in the Latin American and Caribbean Region

  14. 科研团队论文合作网的复杂加权性质研究

    Research on Complex and Weighted Attributes of a Paper Collaboration Network in a Scientific Research Group

  15. 技术合作网区域系统

    Regional System of Technical Cooperation Network

  16. “香港曙光国际集团商贸投资跨国经济合作网石材配送中心”。

    " Hong Kong dawn international ring business trade investmenttransnational economic cooperation network Shi Caipei delivers thecenter " .

  17. 拉丁美洲和加勒比可持续发展综合水资源管理合作网;

    Network for cooperation in integrated water resources management for sustainable development in Latin America and the caribbean ;

  18. 最后,运用传统的文献计量模型,通过科研合作网、主题词共现网络中实体的网络属性分析,研究了研究主题、人员、机构等评估方法。

    Finally , using traditional bibliometrics models , based on the network attribute analysis to cooperation network of scientific research , Keywords Co-occurrence network , we study the methods of evaluating research theme , personnel and organization .

  19. 某人的杀人意图足以破坏整个村子的合作之网。

    A village 's entire web of cooperation could be sliced through by one person 's murder-ous intent .

  20. 通过机构间的合作关系网,发现了不同学科的机构合作关系网结构和国际合作程度的差别。

    Through the agency of cooperation between different disciplines , found the relationships of cooperation network structure and international cooperation .

  21. 同时构建合作伙伴网、冲突处理数据库,引入影子伙伴等冲突管理的方法。

    Besides , other conflict management methods such as partnering networks , conflict resolution database , and " shadow partner " are also suggested .

  22. 卓越的商业记录和优越的地理位置让博贸为更多人所熟知,并在世界范围内建立了一个强大的合作伙伴网。

    Excellent business record and our convenience geographic location allow Plymouth to be more recognized and therefore maintain a vast network of reliable partners around the world .

  23. 具有持久竞争优势的一点是,这个城市中有多少比例的人口,能够建立合作关系网使整个集体,都是机遇创造者。

    So the one thing that 's sustainable compatitive advantage is what proportion of the people in this city can tree company so that the group are change makers at well level .

  24. 卫生组织合作中心全球网

    Global Network of WHO Collaboration Centres

  25. 因此在今年早些时候,我让国家安全事务部门就南亚和萨赫勒地区的合作伙伴关系网制定了一个计划。

    So earlier this year I asked my national security team to develop a plan for a network of partnerships from South Asia to the Sahel .

  26. 今年早些时候我要求国家安全团队拟定一份计划建立起一个从南亚到萨赫勒的合作伙伴关系网

    So , earlier this year , I asked my national security team to develop a plan for a network of partnerships from South Asia to the Sahel

  27. 而通过深化与世界主流社交网络的合作关系,网飞能够获得显著的竞争优势。

    As Netflix looks to keep its lead , it could gain a significant competitive advantage by nursing a deeper relationship with the world 's dominant social network .

  28. 当我们试图利用这一机会加强合作、荆州网避免风险之时,加强两军关系是我们重视中国呼声重要战略的一部分。

    Strengthening our military-to-military relationship is a critical part of our strategy to shape China 's choices as we seek to capitalize on opportunities for cooperation while mitigating risks .

  29. 基于MAS自治与合作机制的广域网远程监控系统

    Remote Monitor and Control Systems in Internet Based on Autonomy and Cooperation Mechanism of MAS

  30. DHL则说,通过这次合作与地面物流网的重组,自己减少了成本,因而将提供更便宜的服务来抗衡UPS和FedEx,展开反击。

    DHL says it will bite back by using the savings from the UPS deal and from reconfiguring its ground network to offer a cheaper alternative to services from UPS and FedEx .