
  • 网络Cooperative research and development;rjv
  1. 2008年在中国与多家国际知名厂商合作研发DC变频风机盘管。

    In2008 , we cooperated with a number of world famous manufacturers to develop Brushless DC fan coil units in China .

  2. 总部位于上海的第一财经网周一的报道称,华为正与芯片制造商英特尔合作研发一款PC,预计2月发布。

    Huawei is working with chipmaker Intel Corp on a PC that is scheduled to be unveiled in February , Shanghai-based news site yicai.com said on Monday .

  3. 规模较小的律所RiverviewLaw已与利物浦大学(LiverpoolUniversity)的计算机科学系合作研发人工智能产品。

    One smaller firm , Riverview Law , has partnered with the computer science department at Liverpool University to work on artifical intelligence products .

  4. 今年以来,两家公司合作研发3D地图和交通数据技术;屈尔表示,这种高分辨率技术提供近乎真实的建筑物图像。

    This year , the two companies have been working on 3D maps and traffic data technology that Mr K ü hl said is high-resolution , providing almost real-life pictures of buildings .

  5. 以某企业的合作研发项目为实证对象,对构建的风险评价模型进行实证分析,通过进行问卷调研,验证了本文基于SPA的风险评价模型,并提出了风险控制策略。

    Through a questionnaire survey , we verified the risk assessment model based on SPA , and proposed a risk control strategy .

  6. 建议中国3G运营商在初期实行一般定制模式,并尽快过渡到合作研发与推广模式。

    In this paper , the Chinese 3G operators are suggested to adopt the mode of common customization in the early stage and then to the mode of co-research and co-marketing .

  7. 这两种不同格式的光盘都有强大的后台。东芝和NEC以及一些好莱坞电影公司合作研发了高清影碟(HDDVD),而且好莱坞电影公司同意使用这种高清晰度光盘来发行他们的电影。

    Toshiba had developed the HD DVD format , partnering with NEC and a number of Hollywood studios , which agreed to use the format for their high definition releases .

  8. 在此,从分析适合我国医药企业现状的跨组织合作研发的组织形式入手,提出我国医药企业跨组织的项目小组采取RD外包的形式进行合作研发。

    Based on the analysis of cross-organizational RD cooperation , combined with the present conditions of national pharmaceutical firm , it points out that cross-organizational RD outsourcing is the appropriate selection for national pharmaceutical enterprise .

  9. CorinnaLathan正在与一个公司合作研发其他社会辅助性机器人。

    Corinna Lathan is currently working with a British company to develop other socially robots .

  10. 在这里,研究人员和包括三星(Samsung)、富士通(Fujitsu)在内的世界上最大的一些科技公司,正在合作研发一种新的手机网络,其速度会比现有的所有手机网络快上百倍。

    Here , researchers and some of the world 's biggest tech companies , including Samsung and Fujitsu , are collaborating to offer mobile Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than anything now available .

  11. 与美国礼来(EliLilly)合作研发的呋喹替尼(Fruquintinib)用于结肠直肠癌和肺癌的治疗,与英国阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)共同研发的savolitinib旨在治疗肾癌和胃癌。

    Fruquintinib , developed in partnership with Eli Lilly of the US , is targeted at colorectal and lung cancer , while savolitinib , co-developed with AstraZeneca of the UK , is aimed at kidney and gastric cancer .

  12. 共性技术可以作为政府的一种重要创新工具,其主要合作研发方式是研发联合体(RJV)。

    The general technique can be used as the creative tool for the government , and its main cooperation development method is the Research Joint Venture ( RJV ) .

  13. 今年上半年,斯巴鲁与丰田合作研发的BRZ跑车只卖出4298台,同一款车的Scion版(又叫FR-S)只卖出了7662台。

    It moved 4298 copies of its BRZ , jointly developed with Toyota , while Scion 's version of the same car , called the FR-S , found 7662 buyers in the same period .

  14. 为了应付这种危机,或者为治疗遭受核反应堆受损后辐射泄漏侵袭的民众,美国国防部和昂克诺瓦医药公司合作研发这种叫作Ex-Rad的药物。

    To combat such a crisis - or to treat people exposed to radiation from a damaged nuclear reactor - the Department of Defense and Onconova have collaborated on the development of Ex-Rad .

  15. 合作研发组织模式选择与治理机制研究

    Research on Mode-selection and Governance Mechanism of Cooperative R & D

  16. 合作研发中项目的搜寻与项目的状态价值

    The Search and State Value in Cooperative R & D

  17. 基于R&D溢出的企业合作研发行为分析

    Research on R D Investment Based on R D Spillovers

  18. 合作研发中机会主义行为的演化博弈分析

    Evolutionary game analysis on opportunistic behavior in cooperative R & D market

  19. 合作研发的伙伴选择及运行机制研究

    Research on Partner Selection and Operation Mechanism of Cooperative R & D

  20. 合作研发企业知识创新系统研究

    The Study of the Cooperative R & D Based Knowledge Creation System

  21. 合作研发企业间知识共享的微观机制

    Micro-mechanism of Knowledge Share Between Cooperative R & D Enterprises

  22. 并探讨了合作研发组织的网络化与虚拟化趋势。

    Furthermore , virtualization of R & D organization is also discussed here .

  23. 面向合作研发项目的企业知识集成管理模式研究

    A Study on Cooperation R & D Project-Oriented Knowledge Integrated Management of Enterprise

  24. 合作研发伙伴选择影响因素的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on the Factors in Selecting Cooperative R & D Partners

  25. 提升合作研发绩效的组织措施

    Organizational Measures for Enhancing Cooperative R & D Performance

  26. 在技术研发阶段,企业间进行合作研发,可以分担费用和风险,是企业的帕累托占优策略。

    Cooperating in R & D stage is a super strategy for competitive enterprise .

  27. 企业研发模式选择与合作研发网络动态稳定性研究

    Research on R D Model Selection and Dynamic Stability of Cooperating R D Network

  28. 公司正与卡耐基梅隆大学合作研发这项技术。

    the company is partnering with Carnegie Mellon University to work on the technology .

  29. 研发活动中的道德风险问题是造成合作研发绩效不佳的一个潜在原因。

    Moral hazard is a potential cause of the poor performance of cooperative R & D.

  30. 动态合同能够很好的解决信息不对称和成员风险态度不确定性等问题给合作研发带来的困扰。

    Dynamic contract can solve the problems such as information asymmetry and members ' risk attitude .